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冯宏祥 副教授    


1978年9月生,湖北武汉人。2001年至今一直从事航海技术、交通信息工程及控制、交通运输规划与管理的实践、教学与科研工作。其间担任过实习生、水手、三副、二副、大副、船长等职务,在中远海运、东方海外等知名船企工作多年,具有丰富的海上及企业实践经验。上海海事大学工学博士,西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学、新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者,宁波大学、加泰罗尼亚理工大学博士生导师。为全国数量极少的同时具有船长资历、博士学位和(副)教授职称的“双师型”教师。主持各类科研项目30+项,科研经费近800万元。在包括Transportation Research Part E、Transport Policy、Ocean & Coastal Management、Research in Transportation Business & Management、Maritime Policy & Management、Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries、International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics等交通、海洋及安全领域权威期刊上发表论文40+篇(其中,中科院2区及以上11篇)。


  1. 2022/08-今, 新加坡南洋理工大学,访问学者

  2. 2018/02-2018/08, 西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学,访问学者

  3. 2007/09-2014/6,上海海事大学商船学院,交通信息工程及控制专业学习,博士

  4. 2005/09-2007/06,上海海事大学商船学院,载运工具运用工程学习,硕士

  5. 1997/09-2001/06,集美大学航海学院,船舶驾驶专业学习,大学本科


  1. 2014/08-至今,宁波大学,海运学院航海技术系工作,讲师、副教授

  2. 2011/11-2014/03,中海散货运输有限公司等,二副、大副、船长

  3. 2007/07-2011/10,东方海外货柜航运(中国)有限公司,配载专员

  4. 2001/07-2005/05,中远集装箱运输有限公司,远洋船员(实习生、实习三副、三副)


  1. 本科课程:《海上货物运输》、《船舶原理》、《货物积载与系固》

  2. 研究生课程:《水上交通风险管理理论与方法》、《交通运输地理》


  1. 中国石化镇海炼化分公司成品油码头靠泊能力评估,中国石化镇海炼化分公司,2024,28

  2. 舟岱大桥物理拦截设施周期性维护及钢箱新增检查车安装施工通航安全保障方案,浙江交工集团股份有限公司,202328

  3. 宁波圆山到舟山虾峙、桃花航线通航安全评估,舟山市普陀环岛客运有限公司,2023,19.6

  4. 宁波舟山港岱山港区鱼山作业区航道二期工程(北向5万吨级航道)疏浚维护施工通航安全保障方案,长江南京航道工程局,2023,31

  5.  基于北斗大数据的渔船排放估算与时空分布调查:以浙江省渔船为例,宁波大学东海战略研究院,2023,5

  6. 宁波舟山港主通道公路工程非通航孔桥物理拦截设施施工通航安全保障方案,中交路桥建设有限公司,2023,35

  7. 六横LNG外输管道工程陆海定向钻和航道段勘测通航安全保障方案,浙江化工勘察设计院有限公司,2023,35

  8.  杭甬高速宁波段三期工程威海路至柴桥段SG01标段施工通航安全保障方案,浙江交工集团股份有限公司,2023,16

  9. 舟山普陀到宁波象山西泽航线(经双屿门)通航安全风险评估,舟山市普陀环岛客运有限公司,2023,15

  10. 中日、中韩渔业协定水域监管措施有效性评估,宁波大学东海战略研究院,2022,5

  11.  普陀区扣押船舶专用停泊基地建设方案研究,舟山市普陀区应急管理局,       2022,19

  12. 中交路桥建设有限公司宁波舟山港六横公路大桥一期工程施工通航安全保障方案,中交路桥建设有限公司,2022,21

  13. 九洲船厂3.5万吨级船台下水作业对台州通达港务有限公司码头一期工程的影响研究,台州通达港务有限公司,2022,18

  14. 舟山普陀到宁波象山西泽航线通航安全风险评估,舟山市普陀环岛客运有限公司,2021,20

  15. 中石化舟山港口浦油库码头靠离泊风险分析,中国石化销售股份有限公司浙江舟山石油分公司,2020,26

  16. 新城滨海湾夜游安全评估,舟山市海华客运有限公司,2020,18

  17. 宁波舟山港主通道公路工程建成、运营过渡期桥区水域通航保障方案,宁波舟山港主通道项目海上警戒指挥协调中心,2020,35

  18.  海上、港口以及商船交叉航线或水域的风险评估与管控,宁波市农业农村局,2019,24

  19.  鱼山作业区临时交通疏导方案,浙江石油化工有限公司,2019,12

  20.  526国道岱山段改建工程(新江南大桥)施工期警戒方案,中国水利水电第十一工程局有限公司,2019,26

  21. 宁波舟山港主航道(鱼山石化疏港公路)公路工程航道转换技术方案研究,中交路桥建设有限公司,2019,42

  22. “舟山群岛繁荣”轮航经朱家尖海峡大桥主航孔通航安全风险评估,舟山市普陀区东极海运有限公司,2018,15

  23. 马峙门口客船通航安全风险评估及对策研究,舟山市普陀区六横运输公司、舟山市普陀环岛客运有限公司,2017,6

  24. 浙能镇海电厂新建2x660MW超超临界燃煤机组工程配套码头工程通航安全影响论证,浙江浙能镇海发电有限责任公司,2016,22

  25. 一种新型海洋潮流能和波浪能混合发电装置工程示范样机的设计,浙江省科技厅,2016,15

  26. 浙江舟山煤炭中转码头卸船码头靠泊18万载重吨+X万载重吨散货船通航安全影响论证,浙能舟山六横岛电厂,2015,21

  27. 舟山港股份有限公司老塘山三期、五期码头稳泊安全方案专项研究,舟山港股份有限公司,2015,25

  28. 浙江海事局宁波穿山海事处趸船浮码头工程通航安全影响论证,中华人民共和国宁波海事局,2015,3

  29. 舟山跨海大桥附近水域无动力船舶防台安全措施研究,舟山跨海大桥管理局,2015,           28

  30. 宁波-舟山港金塘港区宏运物流有限公司通用码头工程通航安全影响论证,舟山市宏运物流有限公司,2015,22

  31. 岱山长涂锚地人工疏浚施工及运输至大小鱼山通航安全影响论证,舟山海域海岛开发建设投资有限公司,2015,19.8

  32. 七里锚地(舟山海域)人工疏浚施工及运输至大小鱼山通航安全影响论证,舟山海域海岛开发建设投资有限公司,2015,19.8

  33.  阳西县青草渡区域性渔船避风锚地抗风能力评价研究,阳西县渔港建设管理服务公司,2015,39.6

  34. 六横船舶修造企业防台措施研究,舟山市龙山船厂有限公司、舟山市鑫亚船舶修造有限公司、舟山中远船务工程有限公司,2015,19

  35. 视觉航标创新及应用研究,交通运输部东海航海保障中心宁波航标处,2015,29


  1. Kai Zhang, Qin Lin, Feng Lian, Hongxiang Feng*. Emissions estimation and spatial-temporal distribution investigation for fishing vessels using Beidou big data: A case from Zhejiang (China). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2024, Accepted. (SCI, IF: 3.8, JCR Q1, CAS 2)

  2. Qin Lin, Kai Zhang, Dong Huang, Manel Grifoll, Hongxiang Feng*. Evaluating the Impact of Trans-Asian Railway on Logistics Mode Selection between Thailand and China: An AHP-TOPSIS Approach. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2024, 98: 147-158. (SCI, IF: 6.8, JCR Q1, CAS Q2)

  3. Lianshou Liu, Chaojun Ding, Hongxiang Feng*, Zhongzhen Yang, Manel Grifoll, Qin Lin. Trade strategy with the countries along the Ice Silk Road: A Rabin model-based perspective. Maritime Policy & Management. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2024.2324144. (SSCI, IF: 3.167, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  4. Hongxiang Feng, Qin Lin, ‪Xinyu Zhang, Jasmine Siu Lee Lam, Wei Yim Yap.  Port selection by container ships: A big AlS data analytics approach. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 2024, 52: 101066. (SSCI, IF: 4.8, JCR Q2, CAS Q2)

  5. Zhongzhen Yang, Yu SUN, Feng LIAN, Hongxiang Feng, Guangnian LI. Optimization of River Container Port-access Transport based on the innovatively Designed Electric Ship in the Yangtze River Delta. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2024, 248: 106976. (SCI&SSCI, IF: 4.295, JCR Q1, CAS Q2)

  6. Dong Huang, Manel Grifoll, Hongxiang Feng*, Pengjun Zheng, Qin Lin. The dynamic coupling relationship between port and city from the perspective of port container traffic and the economy of port city. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 2024, Accepted. (SSCI, IF: 1.5, JCR Q4, CAS Q4)

  7. Dong Huang, Manel Grifoll, Hongxiang Feng*, Qin Lin, Pengjun Zheng. Port competition, connectivity and accessibility changes under the disturbance: the case of the Chinese port system. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSTL.2024.10064764. (SSCI, IF: 1.5, JCR Q4, CAS Q4)

  8. Tianshou Liu, Chaojun Ding, Hongxiang Feng*, Manel Grifoll, Qin Lin. Risk evaluation for oil tanker berthing and handling operations using the improved DEMATEL-ISM approach, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2023, 86:105182. (SCI, IF: 3.5, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  9. Xiao Lin, Zhengfeng Huang, Yun Ye, Jingxin Dong, Hongxiang Feng*, Pengjun Zheng. Effects of Aging on Taxi Service Performance: A Comparative Study Based on Different Age Groups. Sustainability, 2023, 15: 16096. (SSCI, IF: 3.9, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  10. Fang Wang, Weijie Du, Hongxiang Feng, Yun Ye, Manel Grifoll, Guiyun Liu, Pengjun Zheng. Identification of Risk Influential Factors for Fishing Vessel Accident using Claims Data from Fisheries Mutual Insurance Association. Sustainability, 2023, 15(18): 13427. (SSCI, IF: 3.251, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  11. Qin Lin, Bingbing Yin, Xinyu Zhang, Manel Grifoll, Hongxiang Feng*. Evaluation of ship collision risk in ships’ routeing waters: A Gini coefficient approach using AIS data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 624: 128936. (SCI, IF: 3.778, JCR Q2, CAS Q2)

  12. 李楚楚, 林琴, 冯宏祥*,李松. 基于样本熵的港口集装箱吞吐量可预测性测度研究, 中国航海, 2024, 47(1), 81-87. (CSCD)

  13. Yu Fu, Qin Lin, Manel Grifoll, ‪Jasmine Siu Lee Lam, Hongxiang Feng*. Investigating the evolution of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) multi-port system: The multi-faced perspectives. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2023, 233: 106450. (SCI&SSCI, IF: 4.295, JCR Q1, CAS Q2)

  14.  Chuchu Li, Qin Lin, Manel Grifoll, Dong Yang, Hongxiang Feng*. Is entropy an indicator of port traffic predictability? The evidence from Chinese ports. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 612: 128483. (SCI, IF: 3.778, JCR Q2, CAS Q2)

  15. Wenqiang Guo, Xinyu Zhang, Jingyun Wang, Hongxiang Feng, Nyamatari Anselem Tengecha. Traffic organization service for maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) with different degrees of autonomy. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022, 10(2):179. (SCI, IF: 2.458, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  16. Dong Huang, Manel Grifoll, Jose Antonio Sanchez, Pengjun Zheng, Hongxiang Feng*. Hybrid approaches for container throughout in the context of anomalous events: the case of the Yangtze River Delta region in COVID-19 pandemic. Transport Policy, 2022, 128: 1-12. (SSCI, IF: 6.173, JCR Q1, CAS Q2)

  17. Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Zhongzhen Yang, Pengjun Zheng. Collision risk assessment for ships’ routeing waters: an information entropy approach with Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2022, 225:106184. (SCI&SSCI, IF: 4.295, JCR Q1, CAS Q2)

  18. Dong Huang, Manel Grifoll, Hongxiang Feng*, Maribel Ortego, Pengjun Zheng. Characterizing the evolution of the Yangtze River Delta multi-port system using Compositional Data techniques. Maritime Policy & Management, 2022, 49(5), 667-684. (SSCI, IF: 3.167, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  19. Yini Zhu, Wenqing Ma, Hongxiang Feng, Guiyun Liu, Pengjun Zheng. Effects of Preparedness on Successful Emergency Response to Ship Accident Pollution Using a Bayesian Network. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022, 10(2):179. (SCI, IF: 2.458, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  20. Liying Yan, Manel Grifoll, Hongxiang Feng, Pengjun Zheng, Chunliang Zhou. Optimization of Urban Distribution Centres: A Multi-Stage Dynamic Location Approach. Sustainability, 2022, 14(7): 4135. (SSCI, IF: 3.251, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  21. Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Zhongzhen Yang, Pengjun Zheng. Latest challenges to ports in public-private partnership: Case of Dandong port (China)’s bankruptcy. Transport Policy, 2021, 110: 293-305. (SSCI, IF: 6.173, JCR Q1, CASQ2)

  22.  Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Pengjun Zheng, Agustí Martin-Mallofre, Frank Murphy, Song Li. Evolution and container traffic prediction of Yangtze River Delta multi-port system (2001–2017), International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2021, 13(1/2): 44-69. (SSCI, IF: 1.5, JCR Q4, CAS Q4)

  23. Manel Grifoll, Josep Sanchez-Espigares, Hongxiang Feng. Forecasting performance of cruise passengers: the Spanish ports case. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2021, 23(4): 667-676. (SSCI, IF: 3.791, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  24. 冯宏祥, Anna Mujal-Colilles, 杨忠振. 基于距离分布的AIS异常数据处理方法, 中国航海, 2021, 44(3), 6-11.

  25. Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Zhongzhen Yang, Pengjun Zheng, Agustí Martin-Mallofre. Visualization of container throughput evolution of the Yangtze River Delta multi-port system: the ternary diagram method, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 142: 102039. (SCI & SSCI, IF: 10.047, JCR Q1, CAS Q1)

  26.  Li Song, Grifoll Manel, Estrada Miquel, Zheng Pengjun, Feng Hongxiang.  Optimization on Emergency Materials Dispatching Considering the Characteristics of Integrated Emergency Response for Large-Scale Marine Oil Spills, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(7): 214. (SCI, IF: 2.458, JCR Q2, CAS Q3)

  27.  Hongxiang Feng, Manel Grifoll, Pengjun Zheng. From a feeder port to a hub port: The evolution pathways, dynamics and perspectives of Ningbo-Zhoushan port (China), Transport Policy, 2019, 76: 21-35. (SSCI, IF: 6.173, JCR Q1, CAS Q2)

  28. 冯宏祥, GRIFOLL Manel, AGUSTI Martin Mallofre, 郑彭军. 基于数据分解的上海港集装箱吞吐量预测模型中国航海, 2019, 42(02): 132-138. 

  29. 黄栋, 包雄关, 冯宏祥, 费殷怡. 基于Orcaflex的浮式防波堤水动力分析.水道港口, 2019, (01): 81-86.

  30. Feng Hongxiang, Bao Xiongguan, Zhou Jianghua, Li Song, and Fang Qionglin. Cellular Automata Model on AIS-based for Variable Two-way Waterway, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2015, 8(3), 674-692. (EI)

  31. J. Bao, H.-X. Feng*, X.-G. Bao, J.-H. Zhou. Ship traffic simulation and its characteristics parameters analysis with cellular automata model for partial reduction waterway on automatic identification system-based, Advances in Transportation Studies an international Journal, 2014 Special Issue (3), 61-72. (EI)

  32. 冯宏祥, 孔凡邨, 肖英杰, 杨小军. 基于AIS的航道移动瓶颈元胞自动机模型. 中国航海, 2014, 37(01): 87-93.

  33. 冯宏祥, 孔凡邨, 肖英杰, 杨小军. 基于AIS的元胞自动机模型的船舶交通流特征参数分析. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2014, 38(02): 324-328.

  34. Feng Hongxiang, Cellular Automata Ship Traffic Flow Model Considering Integrated Bridge System, International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 2013, 6 (6), 121-132. (EI)

  35. 杨小军, 肖英杰, 冯宏祥. 航道关键段动态通航饱和度模型及其应用. 上海海事大学学报, 2012, 33(01): 37-40.

  36. 冯宏祥, 肖英杰, 孔凡邨. 基于支持向量机的船舶交通流量预测模型.中国航海, 2011, 34(04): 62-66.

  37. 冯宏祥, 肖英杰. 基于灰色关联度的航道方案评价. 上海海事大学学报, 2007, 28(03): 1-4.