萨曼莎·梅森荣获迪克·范德赫尔姆奖学金 / Samantha Mason won the Dick Van der Helm Scholarship
四年级本科生萨曼莎·梅森(Samantha Mason)被选为迪克·范德赫尔姆奖学金的获得者,以表彰她在2023-2024学年的杰出研究。小组成员出席了化学系春季颁奖晚宴以庆祝她的成就。她将获得6,000美元的津贴,资助她在夏季继续她的研究。恭喜!
Senior-year undergraduate student, Samantha Mason, was chosen as the recipient of the Dick Van der Helm Scholarship in recognition of her outstanding research during the 2023–2024 academic year. She will be supported to continue her research in summer with a $6,000 stipend. Group members attended the Departmental Spring Awards Banquet to celebrate her achievement. Congratulations!