第一次每周组会今天在 SLSRC 2460 举行。李涛 (右二) 作为研究助理加入小组并报告展示了他的故事。穆罕默德萨尼·穆罕默德 (左五) 作为一年级博士生加入该小组,并将开始组间轮转。 四名本科生,基兰·奈杜、萨曼莎·梅森、艾拉·斯图贝克和娜塔莉·查普尔(左一至左四)加入了该小组并找到了他们的同辈导师。
The First Weekly Group Meeting was held today in SLSRC 2460. Tao Li (R2) joined the group as a Research Assistant and gave a presentation on his stories. Muhammad Sani Muhammad (L5) joined the group as a first-year Doctoral Student and will start his rotation. Four Undergraduate Students, namely Kiran Naidu, Samantha Mason, Ira Studebaker and Natalie Chapel (L1–L4), joined the group and found their peer mentors.
All group members and the invited guest, Chenxin Ou (Sharma Group), introduced themselves to each other fruitfully. The second group photo was taken in the Stephenson Life Science Research Center.