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焦放 中国科学院物理研究所特聘研究员 博士生导师    


2007-2011年  华东理工大学 本科

2011-2016年  华东师范大学(导师:何品刚 教授)与美国太平洋西北国家实验室(导师:James De Yoreo 教授)  联合培养博士

2017-2019年  美国康奈尔大学⋅威尔医学院(导师:Simon Scheuring 教授)博士后

2019-2021年  瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(导师:Georg Fantner 教授)博士后

2021.5-         中国科学院物理研究所,特聘研究员,博士生导师。


博士期间,探索包括类肽生物分子可控性自组装形成一维、二维及三维高级结构的机理及应用;单个生物分子之间的相互作用及键合能。博后期间,主要研究蛋白质分子在类生理条件下的自组装、分子动态、动力学和作用机理,同时亦摸索细胞中生物纳米机器(比如病原体释放的收缩注射器,真核细胞的内吞囊泡)的形成和作用机理。近年来,参与了美国能源部,美国国家卫生研究院和欧洲研究协会的多个科研项目。至今已在NatureNature MaterialsScience Advances, Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters等专业高水平杂志发表论文十余篇。


  1. A. Fraser*; N. Prokhorov*; F. Jiao*; B. M. Pettitt; S. Scheuring; P. Leiman. Structural transformation of a contractile macromolecular machine in atomic detail. Science Advances2021. 7: eabf9601. (* Contribute equally to the work)

  2. F. Jiao; Y. Ruan; S. Scheuring. High-speed atomic force microscopy to study pore-forming proteins. Methods in Enzymology. 2021. 649: 189-217.

  3. A. Ben-Sasson; J. Watson, W. Sheffler; M. C. Johnson; A. Bittleston; L. Somasundaram; J. Decarreau; F. Jiao; …; J. J. De. Yoreo; D. Baker. Design of biologically active binary protein 2D material. Nature. 2021. 589: 468-473.

  4. Z. Yaari; J. Cheung; H. Baker; R. Frederiksen; R. Frederiksen; P. Jena; C. Horoszko; F. Jiao; S. Scheuring; M. Luo; D. Heller. Nanoreporter of an Enzymatic Suicide Inactivation Pathway. Nano Letters. 2020. 20: 7819-7827.

  5. F. Jiao; K. Cannon; Y. Lin; A. Gladfelter; S. Scheuring. The hierarchical assembly of septins revealed by high-speed AFM. Nature Communications. 2020. 11, 5062.

  6. T. Ni*; F. Jiao*; X.Yu*; S. Aden; L. Ginger; S. Williams; F. Bai; V. Prazak; D. Karia; P. Stansfeld; P. Zhang; G. Munson; G. Anderluh; S. Scheuring; R. Gilbert. Structure and mechanism of bactericidal mammalian perforin-2, an ancient agent of innate immunity. Science Advances2020. 6: eaax8286. (* Contribute equally to the work)

  7. F. Jiao; X. Wu; T. Jian; S. Zhang; H. Jin; P. He; C. Chen; J. J. De Yoreo. Hierarchical assembly of peptoid-based cylindrical micelles exhibiting efficient resonance energy transfer in aqueous solution. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2019. 58: 2-10.

  8. X. Ma; S. Zhang; F. Jiao; C. Newcomb; …; C. Chen; J. J. De Yoreo. Tuning nucleation pathways through sequence-engineering of biomimetic polymers. Nature Materials. 2017. 16: 767-774.

  9. H. Jin*; F. Jiao*; M. Daily*; Y. Chen; F. Yan; Y. Ding; X. Zhang; E. J. Robertson; M. D. Baer; C. Chen. Highly stable and self-repairing membrane-mimetic 2D nanomaterials assembled from lipid-like peptoids. Nature Communications. 2016. 7. 12252. (* Contribute equally to the work)

  10. F. Jiao; Y. Chen; H. Jin; P. He; C. Chen; J. J. De Yoreo. Self-repair and patterning of 2D membrane-like peptoid materials. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016. 26: 48 (Inside Front Cover).  

  11. M. You; S. Yang; F. Jiao; L. Yang; F. Zhang; P. He. Label-free electrochemical multi-sites recognition of G-rich DNA using multi-walled carbon nanotubes–supported molecularly imprinted polymer with guanine sites of DNA. Electrochimica Acta. 2016. 199: 133-141.

  12. F. Jiao; H. Fan; G. Yang; F. Zhang; P. He. Directly investigating the interaction between aptamers and thrombin by AFM. Journal of Molecular Recognition. 2013. 26: 672-678.

  13. H. Fan; F. Jiao; H. Chen; F. Zhang; Q. Wang; P. He; Y. Fang. Qualitative and quantitative detection of DNA amplified with HRP-modified SiO2 nanoparticles using scanning electrochemical microscopy. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013. 47: 373-378.

  14. H. Fan; X. Wang; F. Jiao; F. Zhang; Q. Wang; P. He; Y. Fang. Scanning electrochemical microscopy of DNA hybridization on DNA microarrays enhanced by HRP-modified SiO2 nanoparticles. Analytical Chemistry. 2013. 85(13): 6511-6517