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张超 研究员、博导    


张超,东华大学材料科学与工程学院研究员、博士生导师,纤维材料改性国家重点实验室固定成员,获基金委优秀青年科学基金 (2021)、上海市曙光计划 (2023)、上海市青年科技启明星 (2018)等人才项目资助。2008年和2013年在复旦大学高分子科学系分获学士和博士学位,师从刘天西教授,其中20091-7月在新加坡南洋理工大学联合培养,师从陆雪红教授,20138-20152月在德国马普胶体与界面研究所从事博士后研究,合作导师是Markus Antonietti教授,20155月加入东华大学任特聘研究员。主要从事高分子热管理复合材料与新能源器件研究。近5年以通讯作者在Advanced Materials、Nature Communications 等期刊发表论文60余篇,他引9000余次,H指数55;出版中英文专著(章节) 3部;获授权发明专利10余项。获上海市自然科学二等奖 (第3完成人)。现担任中国复合材料学会纳米复合材料分会秘书长;Chinese Chemical Letters、Chinese Journal of Polymer Science、Nano-Micro LetterseScienceInfoMat高分子学报、高分子通报等期刊青年编委、Composites Communications 期刊客座编委。



2015.5-:           东华大学材料科学与工程学院研究员、博导,纤维材料改性国家重点实验室固定成员

2013.8-2015.2:德国马普学会胶体与界面研究所,博士后,合作导师:Markus Antonietti教授






围绕高分子热管理复合材料与新能源器件开展研究,涉及高分子科学、先进加工、热物理和光/声调控等跨学科研究,研究方向包括:(1) 梯度结构高分子复合材料;(2透明气凝胶复合材料;(3高分子复合材料与智能热管理;(4相变复合材料与储能器件。



 1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,521223032022.1-2024.12

 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,522730672023.1-2026.12

 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,517730352018.1-2021.12

 4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,215040122016.1-2018.12

 5. 装备预研教育部联合基金,6141A020332332019.1-2020.12

 6. 上海市曙光计划23SG292024.01-2025.12

 7. 上海市青年科技启明星计划18QA14002002018.4-2021.3

 8. 上海市科技创新行动计划国际科技合作项目,225207145002022.7-2024.6

 9. 上海市自然科学基金探索类,17ZR14399002017.5-2020.4

 10. 东华大学高层次人才项目,2015.5-2018.5



1. Le Li, Yu Zhang, Hengyi Lu, Yufeng Wang, Jingsan Xu, Jixin Zhu, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Cryopolymerization enables anisotropic polyaniline hybrid hydrogels with superelasticity and highly deformation-tolerant electrochemical energy storage.

Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1), 62.

2. Yufeng Wang, Xiaobo Zhang, Song Liu, Ying Liu, Qisen Zhou, Tianyi Zhu, Yue-E Miao, Norbert Willenbacher, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Thermal-rectified gradient porous polymeric film for solar-thermal regulatory cooling.

Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2400102.

3. Hele Guo, Qingyang Fei, Meng Lian, Tianyi Zhu, Wei Fan*, Yueming Li, Li Sun, Flip de Jong, Kaibin Chu, Wei Zong, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Weaving aerogels into a 3D ordered hyperelastic hybrid carbon assembly.

Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2301418. 

4. Le Li, Jian Meng, Xuran Bao, Yunpeng Huang, Xiuping Yan, Hailong Qian, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Direct-ink-write 3D printing of programmable micro-supercapacitors from MXene-regulating conducting polymer inks.

Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13(9), 2203683.

5. Peiru Shi, Yufeng Wang, Kening Wan, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu. A waterproof ion-conducting fluorinated elastomer with 6000% stretchability, superior ionic conductivity and harsh environment tolerance.

Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2112293.

6. Hele Guo, Jun Zhou, Qianqian Li, Yueming Li, Wei Zong, Jixin Zhu, Jingsan Xu, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Emerging dual-channel transition-metal-oxide quasiaerogels by self-embedded templating.

Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30(15), 2000024.

7. Hele Guo#, Qichun Feng#, Kaiwen Xu, Jingsan Xu, Jixin Zhu, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Self-templated conversion of metallogel into heterostructured TMP@carbon quasiaerogels boosting bifunctional electrocatalysis.

Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(34), 1903660.

8. Yufan Huang, Xu Zhang, Tianyi Zhu, Yufeng Wang, Nan Hu, Zeyu Ren, Xiaohui Yu, Dai Hai Nguyen, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Aligned porous and anisotropic nanocomposite hydrogel with high mechanical strength and superior puncture resistance by reactive freeze-casting.

Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35(15), 5809-5821. 

9. Yufeng Wang, Ying Liu, Roshan Plamthottam, Mike Tebyetekerwa, Jingsan Xu, Jixin Zhu, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Highly stretchable and reconfigurable ionogels with unprecedented thermoplasticity and ultrafast self-healability enabled by gradient-responsive networks.

Macromolecules, 2021, 54(8), 3832-3844.

10. Meng Lian, Wei Ding, Song Liu, Yufeng Wang, Tianyi Zhu, Yue-E Miao, Chao Zhang*, Tianxi Liu*. Highly porous yet transparent mechanically flexible aerogels realizing solar-thermal regulatory cooling.

Nano-Micro Letters2024, 16, 131.

所有论文:Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/1718854/chao-zhang/

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4UbrB-0AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1255-7183




