2022.08-至今 中国海洋大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授
2021.04-2024.07 上海交通大学 特种材料研究所 博士后
2020.03-2021.02 大阪大学 接合科学研究所 共同研究员
2018.04-2021.03 九州工业大学(日本) 材料科学与工程 博士
2015.09-2018.03 北京科技大学 材料工程 硕士
2011.09-2015.06 青岛科技大学 金属材料工程 学士
(1) 高强塑性-耐磨-耐蚀性涂层的设计、制备与调控;
(2) 高性能纳米晶与超细晶金属块体的增材制造技术;
(3) 船用螺旋桨表面新型抗空泡剥蚀性涂层的开发;
(4) 大尺度高/中熵合金异构涂层的设计与性能调控;
(5) 增材制造非平衡态的多物理场数值化模拟;
(6) 超高热稳定性纳米晶涂层的设计与分子动力学模拟;
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,52301096,纳米晶中熵合金涂层的强塑性调控与耐磨性关联规律研究,2024/01-2026/12,30万元,主持。
(2) 中国博士后科学基金,面上资助二等,2022M722052,铝合金表面纳米晶结构涂层的强塑性调控及其对磨损微裂纹钝化的微观机理研究,2022/06-2023/04,8万元,主持。
(3) 安徽省科研资助项目,铝合金表面高熵合金涂层的制备及其耐磨性研究,2022/07至2024/07,13万,主持。
(4) 上海交通大学,晨星博士后资助项目,船用螺旋桨抗空泡剥蚀性涂层研究,2022/01至2024/01,8万,主持。
(5) 日本铝合金协会,研究助成项目, 164-08, 铝合金表面轻质耐磨性高熵合金涂层的研究, 2020/03至2022/03, 80万日元, 结题, 主持。(博士期间申请,全日本10项/年)
(6) 中国船舶集团有限公司-上海交通大学,海洋装备前瞻创新联合基金, LNG船围护结构低温抗腐蚀陶瓷增强铝
合金材料研究, 2023/01 至 2024/12,150 万元,参与(骨干)。
(1) Dechao Zhao, et al., Achieving the lightweight wear-resistant TiC reinforced AlFeCrCo medium-entropy alloy coating on Mg alloy via resistance seam processing, Scripta Materialia 210(2021)114429 (一作,Q1 TOP,IF=6.302)
(2) Dechao Zhao, et al., Fabrication and friction properties of the AlFeCrCo medium-entropy alloy coatings on magnesium alloy, Materials and Design 193(2020)108872. (一作,Q1 TOP,IF=9.417)
(3) Dechao Zhao, et al., Rapid fabrication of the continuous AlFeCrCoNi high entropy alloy coating on aluminum alloy by resistance seam weld, Applied Surface Science 517(2020)145980. (一作,Q1 TOP,IF=7.392)
(4) L.T. Ma, Dechao Zhao*, et al., Optimized Wear Behaviors and Related Wear Mechanisms of Medium Entropy Alloy based Composite Coatings, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 29(2024)12-27. (通讯, Q1 TOP,IF=6.4)
(5) H.Y. Zhu, C.J. Xia, H.W. Zhang*, Dechao Zhao*, M.L. Wang*, H.W. Wang, Improving TiB2 dispersion in Al-Si composites by interfacial projection: High-throughput first-principles calculations, Materials & Design 244(2024) 113184 (通讯, Q1 TOP, IF=8.4)
(6) H.Y. Zhu, J. Huang, Y. Gong, Dechao Zhao*, D. Chen, M.L. Wang*, H.W. Wang, Insight into continuous growth mechanisms of ZrO2-Al2O3 composite PEO coatings with superior cavitation erosion resistance, Surface & Coatings Technology 29(2023)130355(通讯, Q1 TOP, IF=5.4)
(7) Dechao Zhao, et al., Fabrication and wear performance of Al0.8FeCrCoNi high entropy alloy coating on magnesium alloy by resistance seam welding, Materials Letters 265(2020) 127250. (一作,中科院四区,IF=3.0)
(8) Dechao Zhao, et al., Characterization and wear behavior of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy coating on Al alloy by resistance seam processing, Materials Transactions 63(2022)649-654. (一作,中科院四区,IF=1.389)
(9) Z.Y. Bian, Y.L. Cai, D. Zhang, Y.L. Wu, Dechao Zhao*, et al., Improving mechanical performance of heat-resistant eutectic Al alloy by in-situ TiB2 particles, Materials Letters. 358(2024)135857. (通讯,中科院四区,IF=3.0)
(10) H. Li, D.C. Zhao*, Y. Cui*, C. Dan, S. Ma, L. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Li, Z. Chen, H. Wang, Size Effects in Strength and Strain Hardening Behavior of Single-Crystal 7075 Aluminum Alloy Micropillars, Experimental Mechanics (2024) (通讯,中科院二区,IF=2.0)
(11) H.Y. Zhu, C.J. Xia, H.W. Zhang*, Dechao Zhao*, M.L. Wang*, H.W. Wang, Designing of Non-Heat Treatable High Pressure Die Casting Al Alloys: A Review, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 33(2024)8601-8626. (通讯,IF=2.3)
(12) H. Wang, Dechao Zhao, et al., A review of the corrosion protection technology on in situ TiB2/Al composites, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 58(2022)457-472. (导师一作,本人二作,中科院三区,IF=1.487)
(13) D. Kong, Dechao Zhao, et al., Heat treatment effects on the hydrogen embrittlement of Ti6Al4V fabricated by laser powder bed fusion, Additive Manufacturing 50(2022)102580. (二作,中科院一区TOP,IF=11.632)