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张文卓 2018级信息与通信工程硕士     进组时间: 2018    离组时间: 2021



1.  Zhou G, Zhang W, Chen A, et al. Rapid Detection of Rice Disease Based on FCM-KM and Faster R-CNN Fusion[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 143190-143206. 

2. Zhang W, Hu J, Zhou G, et al. Detection of Apple Defects Based on the FCM-NPGA and a Multivariate Image Analysis[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 38833-38845.

3. Zhang W, Tan A, Zhou G, et al. A method for classifying citrus surface defects based on machine vision[J]. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2021, 15: 2877-2888.

4. Zhang W, Zhou G, Chen A, et al. Deep multi-scale dual-channel convolutional neural network for Internet of Things apple disease detection[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 194: 106749.

5. 湖南省高校第四届研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖。

6. 湖南省第十二届研究生创新论坛“大数据与智慧农业”分论坛优胜奖

7. 2019 年华为杯成功参与奖——《基于机器视觉的交通距离信息分析》。主要负责编写代码以及论文写作

地址: 湖南省长沙开福区德雅路109号
