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刘开政 副研究员    

刘开政,博士,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院副研究员。欧盟玛丽居里学者,比利时鲁汶大学博士后,欧洲分子生物学会(EMBO)短期基金获得者。分别在南开大学、英国伦敦大学学院和荷兰奈梅亨大学取得学士、硕士和博士学位。与欧洲科研机构合作,致力于3D微环境中的细胞生物力学研究以及新型非线性人工聚合物材料-螺旋聚异腈(PIC)水凝胶的研发、生产与生物医学应用。在Cell Reports Physical ScienceThe Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNASBioactive MaterialsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesBiomacromolecules等国际高水平杂志发表论文十余篇。


学术任职:Smart Materials in Medicine、Frontiers in BioengineeringACS Pharmacology & Translational ScienceACS Applied Materials & Interfaces期刊独立审稿人。



1Liu, K.#, Fang, X.#, Aazmi, A.#, Wang, Q.#, Gong, X.#, Chen, Z.#, ... & Ruan, C. (2024). Organoids: Principle, application and perspective. The Innovation Life2(3), 100088-1. 第一作者)

2. Liu, K.#, Vandaele, J.#, Yuan, H., Blank, K. G., Hammink, R., Kouwer, P. H., & Rocha, S. (2024). Structure and applications of PIC-based polymers and hydrogels. Cell Reports Physical Science, 5(2), 101834IF=8.9第一作者

3. Yuan, H.#, Liu, K.#, Cóndor, M., Barrasa-Fano, J., Louis, B., Vandaele, J., ... & Rocha, S. (2023). Synthetic fibrous hydrogels as a platform to decipher cell–matrix mechanical interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences120(15), e2216934120. IF=11.1,共同第一作者)

4. Liu, K., Wiendels, M., Yuan, H., Ruan, C., & Kouwer, P. H. (2022). Cell-matrix reciprocity in 3D culture models with nonlinear elasticity. Bioactive materials, 9, 316-331.  IF=18.9,第一作者,ESI高被引论文)

5. Liu, K., Veenendaal, T., Wiendels, M., Ruiz-Zapata, A. M., van Laar, J., Kyranas, R., Enting, H., van Cranenbroek, B., Koenen, H., Mihaila, S., Oosterwijk, E., Kouwer, P.H. (2020) Synthetic extracellular matrices as a toolbox to tune stem cell secretome. ACS applied materials & interfaces,12(51), 56723-56730.  IF=9.5,第一作者)

6. Liu, K., Mihaila, S. M., Rowan, A., Oosterwijk, E., & Kouwer, P. H. (2019). Synthetic extracellular matrices with nonlinear elasticity regulate cellular organization. Biomacromolecules20(2), 826-834. IF=6.2,第一作者)

7. Ma, C.#, Liu, K.#, Li, Q., Xiong, Y., Xu, C., Zhang, W., Ruan C., Li X., & Lei, X. (2022). Synthetic Extracellular Matrices for 3D Culture of Schwann Cells, Hepatocytes, and HUVECs. Bioengineering9(9), 453. IF=4.6,共同第一作者)

8. Liu, K., Vandaele, J., Bernhagen, D., van Erp, M., Oosterwijk, E., Timmerman, P., ... & Kouwer, P. H. (2022). Rapid stem cell spreading induced by high affinity α5β1 integrin-selective bicyclic RGD peptide in biomimetic hydrogels. bioRxiv, 2022-02.