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程宇 特聘副研究员     进组时间: 2024


浙江桐乡人,e-mail: chengyu@caas.cn






代表性论著 (* corresponding author, # equal contribution)

1. Cheng Y#, Huang C#, Hu Y#, Jin S#, Zhang X#, Si Z, Zhao T, Chen J, Fang L, Dai F, Yang W, Wang P, Mei G, Guan X, Zhang T*. Gossypium purpurascens genome provides insight into the origin and domestication of upland cotton. Journal of Advanced Research. 2024; 56:15-29.

2. Huang C#, Cheng Y#, Hu Y#, Zhang X#, Chen J, Zhao T, Si Z, Cao Y, Li Y, Fang L, Guan X, Zhang T*. Impacts of parental genomic divergence in non-syntenic regions on cotton heterosis. Journal of Advanced Research. 2024.

3. Huang C#, Cheng Y#, Hu Y, Fang L, Si Z, Chen J, Cao Y, Guan X, Zhang T*. Dynamic patterns of gene expressional and regulatory variations in cotton heterosis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2024; 15:1450963.

4.  Xie L, Hao P, Cheng Y, Ahmed IM, Cao F*. Effect of combined application of lead, cadmium, chromium and copper on grain, leaf and stem heavy metal contents at different growth stages in rice. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2018; 162:71-76.

5. He Y, Si Z, Mei G, Cheng Y, Zhang J, Jiang T, Chen J, Xiong H, Zhang T, Hu Y*. N6-methyladenosine RNA modification regulates photoperiod sensitivity in cotton. Plant physiology. 2024; 196(2):1095–1109.

6. Ibrahim W, Zhu Y, Cheng Y, Qiu C, Zhu S*, Wu F*. Genotypic differences in leaf secondary metabolism, plant hormones and yield under alone and combined stress of drought and salinity in cotton genotypes. Physiologia plantarum. 2019; 165(2):343-355.

7. Jin S, Han Z, Hu Y, Si Z, Dai F, He L, Cheng Y, Li Y, Zhao T, Fang L, Zhang T*. Structural variation (SV)-based pan-genome and GWAS reveal the impacts of SVs on the speciation and diversification of allotetraploid cottons. Molecular Plant. 2023; 16(4):678-693.

8. He L, Han Z, Zang Y, Dai F, Chen J, Jin S, Huang C, Cheng Y, Zhang J, Xu B, Qi G, Cao Y, Yan S, Xuan L, Zhang T, Si Z*, Hu Y*. Advanced genes expression pattern greatly contributes to divergence in Verticillium wilt resistance between Gossypium barbadense and Gossupium hirsutum. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022; 13:979585.

9. Gao W, Zhu X, Ding L, Xu B, Gao Y, Cheng Y, Dai F, Liu B, Si Z, Fang L, Guan X, Zhu S, Zhang T*, Hu Y*. Development of the engineered “glanded plant and glandless seed” cotton. Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences. 2022; 5:100130.