当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  实验室先进质谱仪器设备以及交叉科学实验平台投入使用(The laboratory's advanced mass spectrometry instrumentation and cross-science experimental platform are in operation)
实验室先进质谱仪器设备以及交叉科学实验平台投入使用(The laboratory's advanced mass spectrometry instrumentation and cross-science experimental platform are in operation)

       我们课题组主要从事质谱分析技术和质谱仪器装置的开发与应用研究,尤其注重发展创新分析策略来解决生物医学、合成化学以及化学生物学等前沿交叉科学研究领域中的关键问题。课题组依托武汉大学高等研究院和武汉大学化学及生物学双一流重点建设学科,以质谱科学研究为学科交叉点,发展化学、生物、医学等多学科的分析技术和应用。已经配备了研究所需的多台高端质谱仪器,包括静电场轨道阱组合式高分辨质谱仪(LTQ Velos Orbitrap Elite MS)、线性离子阱质谱仪(LTQ XL MS)、基质辅助激光解吸电离-飞行时间质谱仪(MALDI-TOF/TOF MS)、高分辨离子淌度质谱仪(TIMS TOF Pro MS)等,并自主研发了光化学反应在线质谱分析系统、高通量化学反应质谱筛选系统等装备。此外,还建成了设备精良的合成化学、生物分析等研究平台。这些都将为高水平的交叉科学研究提供充分的保障,为组内研究生的未来职业发展创造巨大的比较优势。

  Our group is mainly engaged in the development and application of mass spectrometry and mass spectrometric instrumentation, with particular emphasis on the development of innovative analytical strategies to solve key problems in biomedical, synthetic chemistry, chemical biology and other cutting-edge cross-science research areas. Relying on the Institute for Advanced Studies of Wuhan University and the first-class key disciplines of chemistry and biology of Wuhan University, the group has developed analytical techniques and applications in chemistry, biology and medicine with the interdisciplinary intersection of mass spectrometry research. It has been equipped with several high-end mass spectrometers for research, including the electrostatic field orbitrap hybrid high-resolution mass spectrometer (LTQ Velos Orbitrap Elite MS), linear ion trap mass spectrometer (LTQ XL MS), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS), high-resolution ion mobility mass spectrometer ( TIMS TOF Pro MS), etc., and independently developed photochemical reaction online mass spectrometry system, high-throughput chemical reaction mass spectrometry screening system and other equipment. In addition, we have built well-equipped research platforms for synthetic chemistry and bioanalysis. All these will provide sufficient guarantee for high-level cross-science research and create great comparative advantages for the future career development of graduate students in the group.