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李小斌 副教授    

李小斌  工学博士



电话:     137-9660-0311

Email:     lixiaobin@tju.edu.cn



   :甘肃省 甘谷县

2020.09——至今:天津大学  机械工程学院  英才副教授  博士生导师


Ø  多相流及热工水力(沸腾传热、沸腾调控、热流固耦合 / PIV、热测量)

Ø  非牛顿流体流动与传热(PIVμPIV、薄膜测温、DHM

Ø  微流动芯片制造及微流控(荧光显微镜、共聚焦μPIVDHM、偏振光测量)

Ø  弹性湍流及标量混合(荧光显微镜、μPIV

Ø  流变学测量(剪切流变、拉伸流变、微流控流变)

Ø  生物流体力学(μPIV、流固耦合)

Ø  流体机械流动不稳定性及空化(泵、水轮机、可逆式流体机械 / PIV、计算流体动力学)


I. 学历

2008.09-2012.04        哈尔滨工业大学,工程热物理,工学博士

2006.09-2008.07        哈尔滨工业大学,流体机械及工程,工学硕士

2002.09-2006.07        哈尔滨工业大学,热能与动力工程,工学学士

II. 职历

2020.09-       天津大学,机械工程学院,英才副教授、博士生导师

2017.12-2020.09    中山大学,中法核工程与技术学院,副教授(百人计划)、博士生导师

2016.12-2017.12        哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,副教授、硕士生导师

2014.05-2016.12    哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,讲师、硕士生导师

2014.04-2015.04        日本·东京大学,生产技术研究所,博士后/协力研究

(东京大学,Marie Oshima教授研究室,激光测试技术及应用)

2012.07-2016.06        哈尔滨工业大学,机电工程学院,博士后


2012.04-2014.05        哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,讲师

III. 荣誉/奖励

n  黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然类)二等奖(排名1),2016.

n  全国能动类专业教学改革会议优秀论文奖,2016.

n  黑龙江省高等教育教学成果奖二等奖(排名8),2018.

IV. 已讲授课程






V. 科研经历

1.       先进流动测试技术

n   粒子图像测速技术、微粒子成像测速技术(PIVmicro-PIV

n   数字全息测速技术(DHM

n   激光多普勒测速技术(LDV

n   新型流动测温技术开发(TLCs

n   激光诱导荧光光漂白测速技术开发(LIFPA

2.       反应堆热工水力及流动稳定性研究

n   蒸汽发生器热流固耦合研究Fluent

n   棒束间流动与传热Fluent

n   大型水力机械数值模拟(RANSLES):液力元件//水轮机

n   轴流式水轮机间隙流动及空化(RANSLES

n   复杂结构内流场精细化测试 (PIV)

3.       复杂流体低雷诺数流动特征及换热强化

n   微尺度下粘弹性流体传质、传热强化(微尺度测温、micro-PIVDHM

n   微尺度通道内两相流动(荧光显微镜):液滴、气泡

n   粘弹性流体弹性不稳定性(FluentOpenFOAM、荧光显微镜)

n   热梯度作用下Taylor-Couette流动及传热(PIVLIF

n   添加剂沸腾传热

n   二维材料表面沸腾传热

4.       学科交叉科研合作

n   生物流体流动特征:关节流动/血液流动

n   震荡式细胞培养器内流动数值模拟及实验研究

n   复杂流体流变学行为(微流变)

n   微流动芯片制造


VI. 科研项目


1.       中国工程物理研究院应用电子研究所:流场设计及研制,2018.05-2018.11, 项目负责人

2.       先进反应堆工程与安全教育部重点实验室开放基金,表面活性剂溶液微通道内流动沸腾气泡行为研究,2020.01-2020.12, 项目负责人;

3.       中国核电工程有限公司:堆芯下支承板失效模式, 2019.01-2020.06, 项目负责人; [国家重点研发计划“核安全与先进核能技术”重点专项 子任务项目]

4.       GF科技核动力技术创新中心:革新性高效换热器技术研究, 2019.01-2019.12, 项目负责人; [GF项目,国家级]

5.       中船重工第七〇二研究所重点实验室基金:鱼类低摩阻表层细观流动特性观测与解析,2019.01-2020.12. 项目负责人[装备预研项目,国家级纵向]

6.       国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51506037):微尺度非牛顿流体换热强化机理研究,2016.01 – 2018.12项目负责人

7.       黑龙江省博士后科研启动金(LBH-Q16087):粘弹性生物流体与柔性壁面耦合的流动机理研究,2016.12 – 2018.06项目负责人

8.       中国博士后面上基金(2013M541374):微能源装置中非牛顿流体换热机理及应用,2013.10 – 2015.10项目负责人

9.       黑龙江省博士后基金(LBH-Z12110):微通道内相变气液两相流机理研究,2012.10 – 2014.10项目负责人

10.   中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室(天津大学)开放基金(201503-402):粘弹性载体微反应器传热效果及机理研究,2015.01 – 2015.12项目负责人

11.   中国科学院低温工程学重点实验室开放课题(CRYO201206):粘弹性流体微尺度流动与换热机理研究,2013.06 – 2013.12项目负责人

12.   高校合作项目(MH20160561):天然气液化换热器模拟计算,2016.12 – 2018.12项目负责人

13.   企业合作项目(MH20160530):轴承环下润滑通流能力仿真分析,2016.05 – 2016.12项目负责人

14.   企业合作项目(MH20150617):电子元器件高效散热技术研究与开发,2015.11 – 2016.11项目负责人


15.  哈尔滨工业大学校科研创新基金项目HIT.NSRIF.201667):微反应器内流动换热实验与数值模拟研究,2015.03 – 2017.02项目负责人


16.   国家自然科学基金(10872060):极低雷诺数弹性湍流的统计特性和结构特性研究;

17.   国家自然科学基金(51276046):表面活性剂减阻剂对超空化两相流的影响机理;

18.   国家自然科学基金(51578188):大跨度桥梁箱梁风速全过程的被动自吸/吹气流动控制研究;

19.   国家自然科学基金(51606054):微尺度粘弹性流体与动电效应耦合作用机理研究;

20.   国家自然科学基金(51776057):耦合激励信号的粘弹性流体微流动控制及机理研究。

VII. 论著/论文/专利




B-1.     专著:蔡伟华, 李小斌, 张红娜, 李凤臣 . 《黏弹性流体动力学》. 北京: 科学出版社, 2016. ISBN 978-7-03-049798-7.

B-2.     专著:苏文涛, 李小斌, 刘锦涛 . 《水轮机水力稳定性》. 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2016. ISBN 978-7-5603-5950-2.

B-3.     教材:刘全忠, 李小斌. 《高等流体力学》. 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2017. ISBN 978-7-5603-6187-1. 

B-4.     译著:王璐, 李小斌, 苏文涛 等译.《粒子图像测速仪实用指南》(原书第2版,M. Raffel等著), 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2017. ISBN 978-7-5603-6577-0.




l  Journal Papers – 2021

60. Fan Bai, Hongna Zhang, Xiaobin Li, Fengchen Li, Sang Woo Joo. Generation and Dynamics of Janus Droplets in Shear-Thinning Fluid Flow in a Double Y-Type Microchannel. Micromachines 2021, 12: 149.

59. Sining Li, Hongna Zhang, Jianping Cheng, Weihua Cai, Xiaobin Li, Jian Wu, Fengchen Li. A Numerical Study on Heat Transfer Performance in a Straight Microchannel Heat Sink with Standing Surface Acoustic Waves. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2021.


58. Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li*, Yu-Xing Xia, Quan-Zhong Liu*, Maxime Binama, Ya-Ning Zhang. Pressure fluctuation characteristics of a model pump-turbine during runaway transient. Renewable Energy, 2021, 163: 517-529. (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][1][IF: 5.439]

l  Journal Papers – 2020

57. 李小斌, 张红娜, 曲凯阳, 李凤臣*. 核能集中供热系统优越性分析. 华电技术. 2020, 42(11): 69-82.

56. 冯晓东, 苏文涛, 马宇, 王磊, 李小斌. 主泵高压冷却器盘管的流致振动分析. 核动力工程. 2020, 1-6.

55. Dong-Sheng Guo, Xiao-Bin Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Wen-Tao Su. Vapor bubble–bubble penetration during subcooled pool boiling in a nonionic surfactant aqueous solution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 159: 120142.

54. Dong-Sheng Guo, Xiao-Bin Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Wen-Tao Su, Han Zhu. Bubble behaviors during subcooled pool boiling in water and nonionic surfactant aqueous solution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 159: 120087.

53. Yi-bin Li, Zhao-jing Fan, Dong-Sheng Guo, Xiao-bin Li. Dynamic flow behavior and performance of a reactor coolant pump with distorted inflow, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 14(1): 638-699.

52. Xiao-Bin Li#, Maxime Binama#, Wen-Tao Su, Wei-Hua Cai, Alexis Muhirwa, Biao Li, Feng-Chen Li. Runner blade number influencing RPT runner flow characteristics under off-design conditions. Renewable Energy, 2020, 152: 876-891. [JCR Q1][1][IF: 5.439]

51. Chao Yuan, Hong-Na Zhang, Yu-Ke Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Jian Wu, Feng-Chen Li. Nonlinear effects of viscoelastic fluid flows and applications in microfluidics: A review. Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(22): 4390–4414.

50. Chao Yuan, Hong-Na Zhang, Li-Xia Chen, Jun-Long Zhao, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li. Response of viscoelastic fluid flow in micro cross-slot channel to external stimulation. Entropy, 2020, 22, 64. doi:10.3390/e22010064. [JCR Q1][3][IF: 2.419]

49. Wen-Tao Su, Yang Li, Ya-Hui Wang, Ya-Ning Zhang, Xiao-Bin Li, Yu Ma. Influence of structural parameters on wavy-tilt-dam hydrodynamic mechanical seal performance in reactor coolant pump. Renewable Energy, 2020, 166: 210-221.

48. Quan-Zhong Liu, Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li*, Ya-Ning Zhang. Dynamic characteristics of load rejection process in a reversible pump-turbine. Renewable Energy, 2020, 146: 1922-1931. (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][1][IF: 5.439]

l  Journal Papers – 2019

47. Sining Li, Hongna Zhang, Jianping Cheng, Xiaobin Li, Weihua Cai, Zengyao Li, Fengchen Li. A state-of-the-art overview on the developing trend of heat transfer enhancement by single-phase flow at micro scale. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 143: 118476. [JCR Q1][1][IF: 4.346]

46. Durga Basatakoti, Hongna Zhang*, Xiaobin Li, Weihua Cai, Fengchen Li*. Visualization of bubble mechanism of pulsating heat pipe with conventional working fluids and surfactant solution. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42757-019-0033-y.

45. Yibin Li, DongSheng Guo, Xiaobin Li. The effect of startup modes on a vacuum cam pump. Vacuum. 2019, 166: 170–177. [JCR Q1][2][IF: 2.515]

44. Jue Wang, Yi Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li. Experimental and LBM simulation study on the effect of bubbles merging on flow boiling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 132: 1053–1061. [JCR Q1][1][IF: 4.346]

43. Alexis Muhirwa, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, Wen-Tao Su, Maxime Binama, Biao Li, Xiao-Bin Li. Investigation into the outlying swirl instability in the hydro-turbine draft tube under part-load operation. Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy. 2019, 0(0): 1–15.

42. Maxime Binama, Wen-Tao Su, Wei-Hua Cai, Xiao-Bin Li, Alex Muhirwa, Biao Li, Emmanuel Bisengimana. Blade Trailing Edge Position Influencing Pump as Turbine (PAT) Pressure Field Under Part-load Conditions. Renewable Energy. 2019, 136: 33-47. [JCR Q1][1][IF: 5.439]


l  Journal Papers – 2018

41. Wei-Hua Cai, Yong-Yao Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Yu-Ke Li, Jian-Ping Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li. An efficient micro-mixer by elastic instabilities of viscoelastic fluids, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2018, 74: 130-143. [JCR Q1][3][IF: 2.00]

40. Yi-bin Li, Dong-Sheng Guo, Xiao-bin Li. Mitigation of Radial Exciting Force of Rotary Lobe Pump by Gradually Varied Gap. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 12: 711-723. [JCR Q1][2][IF: 2.163]

39. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Feng-Chen Li*, Lu Wang, Xiao-Bin Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Xin Zheng. Experimental study on rheological and thermophysical properties of seawater with surfactant additive - Part I: Rheological properties. Rheologica Acta, 2018, 57(10): 619-633. (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][3][IF: 2.531]

38. Su Wen-Tao#, Li Xiao-Bin#, Xu You-Ning, Gong Ru-Zhi, Binama Maxime, Muhirwa Alexis. The influence of runner cone perforation on the draft tube vortex in Francis hydro-turbine. Thermal Science, 2018, 22(S2): S557-S566. [JCR Q3][4][IF: 1.541]

37. Yuke Li, Hongna Zhang*, Yongyao Li, Xiaobin Li, Jian Wu, Shizhi Qian, Fengchen Li. Dynamic control of particle separation in deterministic lateral displacement separator with viscoelastic fluids. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 3618. [JCR Q1][3][IF: 4.011]

36. Hong-Na Zhang, Si-Ning Li, Jian-Ping Cheng, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Xiao-Bin Li*, Feng-Chen Li. Numerical study on the pulsating effect on heat transfer performance of pseudo-plastic fluid flow in a manifold microchannel heat sink, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 129: 1092-1105. (SCI/EI, IF=3.043) (Corresponding author)  [JCR Q1][2][IF: 4.026]

35. Likuan Zhu, Dominique T. Monteil, Yukui Wang, Boyan Song, David L. Hacker, Xiaobin Li*, Zhenlong Wang, Maria J. Wurm, Florian M. Wurm. Fluid dynamics of flow fields in a disposable 600-mL orbitally shaken bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 129: 84-95. (SCI IF=2.892) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][3][IF: 3.371]


l  Journal Papers – 2017

34. Yun Jia, Feng-Chen Li*, Xian-Zhu Wei, Xiao-Bin Li*, Zhi-He Li. A method for analysis of head cover deformation and vibration amplitude in Francis hydro-turbine system by combination of CFD and FEA. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31(9), 4255-4266. (SCI IF=1.128) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.221]

33. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Feng-Chen Li*, Lu Wang*, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Xin Zheng. Experimental study on rheological and thermophysical properties of seawater with surfactant additive - Part II: Surface tension and thermal conductivity.  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.08.079. (SCI IF=3.458) [JCR Q1][1][IF: 4.346]

32. Maxime Binama, Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, Xian-Zhu Wei, Shi An. Investigation on pump as turbine (PAT) technical aspects for micro hydropower schemes: A state-of-the-art review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 79: 148–179. (SCI IF=6.798) [JCR Q1][1][IF: 10.556]

31. Dong-Yang Li, Hong-Na Zhang*, Jian-Ping Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li*, Feng-Chen Li, Shi-Zhi Qian, Sang-Woo Joo. Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Elastic Turbulence in a Curvy Channel. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2017, 21:25. (SCI IF=2.344 Q1)   (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][3][IF: 2.437]

30. Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Shi-Zhi Qian, Sang-Woo Joo. Efficient heat transfer enhancement by elastic turbulence with polymer solution in a curved microchannel. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2017, 21:10. (SCI IF=2.344 Q1) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][3][IF: 2.437]

29. S-N Li, H-N Zhang, X-B Li*, Q Li, F-C Li, S Qian, S W Joo. Numerical study on the heat transfer performance of non-Newtonian fluid flow in a manifold microchannel heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 1213-1225. (SCI, IF=3.043) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 4.026]

28. Hong-Na Zhang, Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li*, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li. Numerical simulation of heat transfer process of viscoelastic fluid flow at high Weissenberg number by log-conformation reformulation. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2017, 139(9): 091402. (SCI IF=1.437) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.72]


l  Journal Papers – 2016

27. Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Xiao-Bin Li*, Dong-Yang Li, Wei-Hua Cai, Bo Yu. Characteristics and generation of elastic turbulence in a three-dimensional parallel plate channel using direct numerical simulation. Chinese Physics B, 25 (2016): 094701. (SCI, IF=1.223) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][3][IF: 1.469]

26. W-T Su, X-B Li*, C-F Lan, S An, J-S W, F-C Li. Chaotic dynamic characteristics of pressure fluctuation signals in hydro-turbine. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(11): 5009-5017. (SCI, IF=0.761) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.221]

25. Xing-Ying Ji, Xiao-Bin Li*, Wen-Tao Su, Xu Lai, Tian-Xiao Zhao. On the hydraulic axial thrust of Francis hydro-turbine. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30(5) (2016): 2029-2035. (SCI, IF=0.761) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.221]

24. Xiao-Bin Li, Masamichi Oishi, Tsukasa Matsuo, Marie Oshima, Feng-Chen Li. Measurement of viscoelastic fluid flow in the curved microchannel using digital holographic microscope (DHM) and polarized camera. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 138(2016): 091401. (SCI IF=1.437) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.72]

23. Xiao-Bin Li, Masamichi Oishi, Marie Oshima, Feng-Chen Li, Song-Jing Li. Measuring Elasticity-induced Unstable Flow Structures in a Curved Microchannel Using Confocal Micro Particle Image Velocimetry. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 75(2016): 118-128. (SCI IF=2.830) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 3.493]

22. Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Shi-Zhi Qian, Sang Woo Joo. Measuring heat transfer performance of viscoelastic fluid flow in curved microchannel using Ti–Pt film temperature sensor. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 77(2016): 226-233. (SCI IF=2.830) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 3.493]

21. Jue Wang, Feng-Chen Li, Xiao-Bin Li*. On the mechanism of boiling heat transfer enhancement by surfactant addition. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 101(2016): 800-806. (SCI IF=3.458) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][1][IF: 4.346]

20. Jue Wang, Feng-Chen Li, Xiao-Bin Li*. Bubble explosion in pool boiling around a heated wire in surfactant solution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99(2016): 569-575. (SCI IF=3.458) (Corresponding author) [JCR Q1][1][IF: 4.346]

19. 郑智颖, 李凤臣, 李倩, 王璐, 蔡伟华, 李小斌, 张红娜. 海水淡化技术应用研究及发展现状. 科学通报, 2016, 61(21):2344-2370.

18. 兰朝凤, 苏文涛, 李小斌*, 李凤臣, 赵昊阳. 水轮机压力脉动的混沌动力学特性. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2016, 48(7): 101-105. (Corresponding author)


l  Journal Papers – 2015

17. Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Masamichi Oishi, Marie Oshima. Dynamics of viscoelastic fluid droplet under very low interfacial tension in a serpentine T-junction microchannel. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18(2015): 1007-1021. (SCI IF=2.537) [JCR Q1][3][IF: 2.437]

16. D-Y Li, X-B Li, F-C Li. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Droplet Formation in a Cross-Flow Microchannel. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15: 2964-2969. (SCI, IF=1.338) [JCR Q3][4][IF: 1.093]

15. 苏文涛, 郑智颖, 李小斌*, 李凤臣, 兰朝凤. 混流式水轮机偏工况运行的大涡模拟方法验证. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2015, 47(7): 84-91. (Corresponding author)


l  Journal Papers – 2014

14. X-B Li, H-N Zhang, Y Cao, M Oshima, F-C Li. Motion of Passive Scalar by Elasticity-Induced Instability in Curved Microchannel. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 734175: 1-10. (SCI, IF=0.640)  [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.024]

13. W-T Su, X-B Li*, F-C Li, X-Z Wei, J-T Liu, Y-L Wu. On the Flow Instabilities and Turbulent Kinetic Energy of Large-Scale Francis Hydroturbine Model at Low Flow Rate. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 786891: 1-16. (SCI, IF=0.640)  (Corresponding author) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.024]

12. W-T Su, X-B Li, F-C Li, X-Z Wei, W-F Han, S-H Liu. Experimental Investigation on the Characteristics of Hydrodynamic Stabilities in Francis Hydroturbine Models. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 486821: 13. (SCI, IF=0.640) [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.024]

11. X-Z Wei, W-T Su, X-B Li, F-C Li, L Guo. Effect of blade perforation on Francis hydro-turbine cavitation characteristics. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2014, 52: 412-420. (SCI, IF=1.471) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 2.974]

l  Journal Papers – 2013

10. W-T Su, X-B Li, F-C Li, X-Z Wei, Z-Y Zheng, X Zhang. Comparisons of LES and RANS Computations with PIV Experiments on a Cylindrical Cavity Flow. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 592940: 1-10. (SCI, IF=0.640)  [JCR Q2][4][IF: 1.024]


l  Journal Papers – 2012

9. Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, Juan-Cheng Yang, Haruyuki Kinoshita Masamichi Oishi, Marie Oshima. Study on the mechanism of droplet formation in T-junction microchannel. Chemical Engineering Science. 69 (2012): 340-351. (SCI, IF=2.895) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 3.372]

8. Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, Wei-Hua Cai, Hong-Na Zhang, Juan-Cheng Yang. Very-low-Re Chaotic motions of viscoelastic fluid and its unique applications in microfluidic devices: A review. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 39 (2012): 1-16. (SCI IF=2.830) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 3.493]

7. W-T Su, F-C Li, X-B Li, X-Z Wei, Y Zhao. Assessment of LES performance in simulating complex 3D flows in turbo-machines. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2012, 6: 355–364. (SCI, IF=1.033) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 2.163]

6. 蔡伟华, 李凤臣, 张红娜, 王悦, 李小斌. 减阻水溶液槽道湍流特性POD分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2012, 42: 51-57.


l  Journal Papers – 2011

5.       张红娜, 李凤臣, 蔡伟华, 阳倦成, 李小斌. 三维Kolmogorov流动弹性湍流直接数值模拟研究. 工程热物理学报, 2011, 32: 973-976.


l  Journal Papers – 2010

4. Feng-Chen Li, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Xiao-Bin Li, Masamichi Oishi, Teruo Fujii, Marie Oshima, Creation of very-low-Reynolds-number chaotic fluid motions in microchannels using viscoelastic surfactant solution. Experimental Thermal Fluid Science 34 (2010): 20–27. (SCI IF=2.830) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 3.493]

3. 阳倦成张红娜李小斌蔡伟华张彦李凤臣粘弹性流体弹性不稳定现象研究综述力学进展. 40 (2010): 1-22.


l  Journal Papers – 2009

2. Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Xiao-Bin Li, Bo Yu, Jin-Jia Wei, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Koichi Hishida. Study on the characteristics of turbulent drag-reducing channel flow by particle image velocimetry combining with proper orthogonal decomposition analysis. Physics of Fluids 21 (2009): 115103. (SCI IF=2.232) [JCR Q1][2][IF: 2.267]


l  Journal Papers – 2007

1. 董泳,闫国军,李小斌. 调速型液力偶合器双机驱动同步调速与功率平衡控制方法探讨. 煤矿机械 28 (2007) 57-59.



P-1     李小斌; 李凤臣; 苏文涛; 张甲. 一种水轮机泄水锥打2孔位置的确定方法. 中国: ZL2017101109132, 授权发明专利.

P-2     李小斌; 李凤臣; 赵越; 刘登峰; 赵昊阳; 周增昊. 一种基于水轮机全流场三维模拟方法的泄水锥打孔方法. 中国: ZL 2017101108962, 授权发明专利.

P-3     苏文涛; 李小斌; 刘登峰; 赵越; 李凤明; 周增昊; 赵昊阳; 王璐. 一种水轮机泄水锥打4孔位置的确定方法. 中国: ZL2017101109170, 授权发明专利.

P-4     李小斌; 苏文涛; 李凤臣; 郑智颖; 蔡伟华; 李东阳. 一种采用激光束进行不规则几何体内流场测量的标定方法. 中国: ZL201410765268.4, 授权发明专利.

P-5     兰朝凤; 苏文涛; 李小斌; 赵昊阳; 李东阳; 李凤臣; 张梦. 基于混沌理论实现水轮机状态监测和故障诊断的方法,中国: ZL201510795255.6, 授权发明专利.

P-6     袁刚; 董泳; 闫国军; 李小斌. 低速比液力变矩器及导叶调节方法. 中国: ZL201310426343.X, 授权发明专利.

P-7     蔡伟华; 李凤臣; 张红娜; 李小斌; 徐鸿鹏; 阳倦成. 一种强迫各向同性湍流实验装置. 中国: ZL201110282076.4, 授权发明专利.

P-8     蔡伟华; 李凤臣; 张红娜; 李小斌; 徐鸿鹏; 阳倦成. 一种实现衰减各向同性湍流的实验装置. 中国: ZL201110282053.3, 授权发明专利.

P-9     苏文涛; 李小斌; 赵昊阳; 兰朝凤; 刘锦涛; 马西; 李凤臣; 赵越. 一种3D打印混流式水轮机模型转轮连接组件. 中国: ZL201620116920.4, 授权实用新型专利.

VIII. 邀请报告

“Experimental Characterization of Flow and Heat Transfer of Viscoelastic Fluids”, Guangzhou Univerisity. September 25th – 28th, 2018. (Invited by Prof. Xue-Feng Yuan)

“Taylor-Couette flow with viscoelastic fluid under thermal gradient”, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, August 2018. (Invited by A. Prof. Wei-Hua Cai and Prof. Yasuo Kawaguchi)

“Heat Transfer Enhancement by elasticity-induced unstable flow at microscale”, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Tokyo, August 2016. (Invited by Prof. Yasuo Kawaguchi)

“Influence of inlet perturbation on the viscoelastic flow characteristics in the microchannel”, Invited by 2016 International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, Dalian, China, June 10-12, 2016.

“Measurement of elasticity-induced unstable flow in the curved microchannel”, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, Dec. 2015. (Invited by Prof. Jin-jia Wei)

IX. 其他信息

  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)会员

  #H06 Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices 3, Oct. 2016, PRiME, Co-Chair


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