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李凤臣 教授    



Email:  lifch@tju.edu.cn;

主页:    http://me.tju.edu.cn/faculty_teachers.action?cla=5&teacherid=2070

I. 学历

1998.04-2001.03 日本京都大学,核能工程系,工学博士 (20023月获得)

1993.09-1996.07 中国原子能科学研究院,反应堆工程及反应堆安全设计所,工学硕士

1989.09-1993.07 天津大学,热能工程系,工学学士

II. 职历

2020.10-至今      天津大学,机械工程学院,英才教授、博士生导师

2017.08-2020.10 中山大学,中法核工程与技学院,教授(百人计划)、博士生导师

2006.09-2017.08 尔滨大学,能源科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师

2015.11-2017.05    美国加州大学洛杉分校(UCLA),机械与航天工程系,核聚科学与技中心,首席研工程

2011.04-2013.10    美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),机械与航天工程系,核聚变科学与技术中心,访问研究员

2004.11-2006.08 日本东京大学,生产技术研究所,日本学术振兴会研究员

2002.04-2004.11 日本产业技术综合研究所,能源利用部门,特别研究员

2001.04-2002.03 日本海上技术综合研究所,湍流控制研究中心,特别研究员

1996.08-1998.03 中国原子能科学研究院,反应堆工程及反应堆安全设计所,工程师


2008.09-2017.08 哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,核能工程研究中心,主任

2015.01-2015.11 哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,副院长

2008.09-2015.11 哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,核能工程系,系主任

2007.09-2014.12 哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,流体机械及控制工程研究所,副所长

III. 荣誉/奖励

n  天津大学“北洋学者英才计划”引进人才,2020.

n  中山大学百人计划中青年杰出引进人才,2017.

n  省部级一等奖:黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然类)一等奖(排名1),2014.

n  省部级二等奖:黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然类)二等奖(排名5),2016.

n  日本东京理科大学校长奖(President Award of Tokyo University of Science, 2014.

n  中国工程热物理学会吴仲华奖励基金优秀青年学者奖(同年唯一),2009.

n  教育部新世纪优秀人才,2007.

n  哈尔滨工业大学海内外优秀引进人才,2006.

n  日本学术振兴会奖(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship Award, 2004.

n  省部级二等奖:中国核工业总公司科技进步奖二等奖(排名5),1998.

n  最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award of The 5th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations & Safety (NUTHOS-5), Beijing, China, 1997 (第一作者).

IV. 授课

主讲过本科生课程工程流体力学、工程热力学、核反应堆物理分析、核反应堆热工水力、核电厂安全分析、核电厂系统及设备、流体力学多尺度流动创新实验课;研究生课程高等流体力学、粘性流体力学、流体动力学先进测试技术、Fluid Mechanics(留学生课)。

V. 科研经历/研究方法

1.    湍流及湍流减阻

n  添加剂湍流减阻技术

n  湍流减阻技术在集中供热/供冷系统中的应用

n  湍流减阻技术在射流系统中的应用

n  粘弹性流体湍流减阻流动与传热

n  极低雷诺数弹性湍流

n  纯弹性流动失稳

n  粘弹性流体基纳米流体流动与传热

n  基于深度学习的湍流(与换热)模型构建

2.    微流控及微尺度传热传质

n  应用粘弹性流体的微通道流动控制

n  微通道弹性湍流

n  微通道粘弹性流体液滴动力学

n  应用励起弹性湍流的微通道内热/质传递强化技术

n  微液体电路

3.    气液两相流动与传热

n  应用湍流减阻添加剂促进水下航行体超空泡流动控制技术

n  应用超空泡的海水淡化技术

n  微气泡环境净化技术

n  添加剂及表面改性强化沸腾换热

4.    核能工程及液态金属流动与传热

n  核反应堆系统安全分析

n  核反应堆系统热工水力

n  托卡马克磁约束核聚变装置包层技术

n  液态金属湍流与换热

n  液态金属高温散热技术

n  基于深度学习的复杂系统理论分析方法及优化

5.    学科交叉科研合作

n  大跨度斜拉桥斜拉索风雨激振现象实验研究

n  水力机械内复杂流场实验测试及数值模拟技术

n  特殊设施通风系统优化设计

n  etc.

6.    流体动力学先进测试技术

n  激光多普勒测速技术(LDV)

n  粒子图像测速技术 (PIV)

n  微尺度PIV

n  超声波探测技术(包括UDV

7.    流体动力学数值模拟技术

n  粘弹性流体湍流直接数值模拟(DNS)

n  粘弹性流体湍流大涡数值模拟(LES)

n  利用商用软件的粘弹性流体计算流体动力学(ANSYS Fluent & CFX, OpenFOAM, Multiphysics COMSOL)

VI. 科研项目

  1. 国家自然科学基金委中日(NSFC-JSPS)国际(地区)合作与交流项目(51911540073复杂微流控流路中流动特征及机理研究2019.04-2021.12项目负责人

  2. 中国核电工程有限公司横向科研项目:大型核设施厂区综合排风管网动态平衡优化模拟研究,2019.01-2019.08, 94.8万元,项目负责人

  3. 中国原子能科学研究院横向科研项目:快堆RPV模型下封头内局部点速度LDV测试,2019.03-2022.03项目负责人

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51776057):耦合激励信号的粘弹性流体微流动控制及机理研究,2018.01-2021.12项目负责人

  5. 哈尔滨工程大学校际合作项目:离心泵减振降噪方法及机理研究,2016.01 – 2017.12项目负责人

  6. 国家自然科学基金新群体科学基金目(51421063课题:复杂流体流动控制与强化传热技术, 2016.01 – 2017.12子课题负责人

  7. 中国航天科工三院合作项目:水下航行体减阻特性研究,2015.01 – 2015.12, 项目负责人

  8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51276046):表面活性剂减阻剂对超空化两相流的影响机理,2013.1 – 2016.12项目负责人

  9. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目重大建筑与桥梁强/台风灾变的集成研究子课题,2013.1 – 2015.12子课题负责人

  10. 哈尔滨工程大学校际合作项目:高速离心泵及织制表面流场分析,2014.04 – 2015.12,项目负责人

  11. 国家自然科学基金新群体科学基金目(51121004课题:复杂流体流动控制与强化传热技术, 2014.05 – 2014.12子课题负责人

  12. 哈尔滨工程大学校际合作项目:设备流场脉动力计算技术,2013.07 – 2014.07, 项目负责人

  13. 教育部博士点基金(博导类)项目(20112302110020):粘弹性流体湍流减阻流动奇异标度律特性及亚格子模型研究,2012.1 – 2014.12项目负责人

  14. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51076036):粘弹性流体基纳米流体流动与传热特性研究,2011.1 – 2013.12项目负责人

  15. 哈尔滨工业大学基础研究杰出人才培育计划项目(HIT.BRET1.2010008):基于改变流体物性的流动控制技术研究,2010.10 – 2012.10项目负责人

  16. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(10872060):极低雷诺数弹性湍流的统计特性和结构特性研究,2009.1 – 2011.12项目负责人

  17. 科技部国际科技合作项目(2009DFR60120):高性能核电系统强化换热技术与高效换热器研究,2009.1 – 2011.12,主要参加人(排名2);

  18. 哈尔滨市科技攻关计划项目(2009AA2AG023):强化换热技术与高效换热器研究,2009.1 – 2011.12,主要参加人(排名2);

  19. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:界面活性剂水溶液的湍流减阻流动与换热研究,2009.1 – 2010.12项目负责人

  20. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划面上项目(90715015):大跨度桥梁斜拉索风雨多相介质耦合振动的精细化研究,2008.1 – 2010.12项目负责人

  21. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-07-0235):粘弹性减阻流体在集中供热系统中的应用及微尺度通道内弹性湍流的流动与换热,2008.1 – 2010.12项目负责人

  22. 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金项目(2006RFLXS013):建筑物集中供热系统节能研究,2006.10 – 2008.10项目负责人

  23. 哈尔滨工业大学海内外引进人才科研启动项目(01308568):粘弹性非牛顿流体的湍流减阻与微尺度通道弹性湍流研究,2006.10 – 2008.12项目负责人

  24. 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助科研项目:複断面粒子画像流速計を用いた界面活性剤の抵抗低減メカニズムの研究,(复面 PIV表面活性剂减阻机理研究)2004.11 – 2006.8项目负责人


VII. 专利/论著/论文发表





  1. Feng-Chen Li, Bo Yu, Jin-Jia Wei, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Turbulent drag reduction by surfactant additives(英文专著), John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pet Ltd., 255 pages, ISBN: 9781118181072, March 2012.

  2. 李凤臣,宇波,魏进家,川口靖夫,表面活性剂湍流减阻,高等教育出版社,220页,ISBN: 9787040343151, 20126月出版.

  3. Demidenko N.D., Kulagin V.A., Shokin Y.I., Li F.-C.Heat and Mass Transfer and supercavitation (俄文). Novosibirsk: NAUKA, 436 pages, ISBN: 9785020192065, 2015.

  4. 蔡伟华,李小斌,张红娜,李凤臣,粘弹性流体动力学,科学出版社,304, ISBN: 9787030497987, 20169月出版.

  5. 葛耀君,陈政清,李惠,廖海黎,李凤臣,大跨桥梁的风致灾变,科学出版社,390页,201610月出版,ISBN9787030493361.

  6. V.A. Kulagin, L.V. Kulagina, F.-C. Li, Fundamentals of cavitation treatment of multi-component environments, RU-Science, Moscow, 2017, ISBN: 9785436518626.

  7. Feng-Chen Li, Koichi Hishida, Particle Image Velocimetry Techniques and its Applications in Multiphase Systems, Chapter 3 (Pages 87-147) in “Advances in Chemical Engineering – Characterization of Flow, Particles and Interfaces”, Ed. Jing-Hai Li, Springer, ISBN 9780123747389, 2009.



  1. Sining Li, Hongna Zhang, Jianping Cheng, Weihua Cai, Xiaobin Li, Fengchen Li, “A numerical study on heat transfer performance in a straight microchannel heat sink with standing surface acoustic waves”, Heat Transfer Engineering, online first.

  2. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Lu Wang, Tong-Zhou Wei, Wei-Hua Cai, Hui Li, Li-Ming Yao, Feng-Chen Li*, “Experimental investigation of temperature effect on hydrodynamic characteristics of natural cavitation in rotational supercavitating evaporator”, Renewable Energy 174 (2021) 278-292.

  3. Wen-Hua Zhang, Jingfa Li, Qiankun Wang, Yu Ma, Hong-Na Zhang, Bo Yu, and Fengchen Li*, “Comparative study on numerical performances of log-conformation representation and standard conformation representation in the simulation of viscoelastic fluid turbulent drag-reducing channel flow”, Physics of Fluids 33 (2021), 023101.

  4. Baojie Nie, Jin-Min Yang, Yuan Yuan, Feng-Chen Li*, “Additional radiation dose due to atmospheric dispersion of tritium evaporated from a hypothetical reservoir”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 167 (2021) 109475.

  5. Baojie Nie, Sheng Fang, Man Jiang, Laishun Wang, Muyi Ni, Jiye Zheng, Zhiyi Yang, Fengchen Li*, “Anthropogenic tritium: inventory, discharge, environmental behavior and health effects”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110188.

  6. Alexis Muhirwa, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, Wen-Tao Su, Binama Maxime, Biao Li, Xiao-Bin Li, “Investigation into the Outlying Swirl Instability in the Hydro-turbine Draft Tube under Part-load Operation”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A - Journal of Power and Energy 235 (2021) 139-153.

  7. Chao Yuan, Hong-Na Zhang, Xiao-Bin Li, Masamichi Oishi, Marie Oshima, Qing-He Yao, Feng-Chen Li, “Numerical investigation of T-shaped microfluidic oscillator with viscoelastic fluid”, Micromachines 12 (2021) 477.

  8. Fan Bai, Hongna Zhang, Xiaobin Li, Fengchen Li and Sang Woo Joo, “Generation and Dynamics of Janus Droplets in Shear-Thinning Fluid Flow in a Double Y-Type Microchannel”, Micromachines 12, 149 (2021).

  9. Baojie Nie, Jinmin Yang, Wei Wang, Zhixing Gu, Yuan Yuan, Fengchen Li*, “Numerical study on tritium dispersion in coastal waters: The case of Hangzhou Bay, China”, submitted, Journal of Hydrology 590 (2020) 125532.

  10. Chao Yuan, Hong-Na Zhang, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Nonlinear effect in viscoelastic fluid flows and its application in microfluidics: A review”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 234 (2020) 4390-4414.

  11. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Qian Li, Lu Wang, Li-Ming Yao, Wei-Hua Cai, Hui Li, Vladimir A. Kulagin, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study on morphological characteristics of rotational natural supercavitation by rotational supercavitating evaporator with optimized blade shape”, Journal of Hydrodynamics 32 (2020) 468-485.

  12. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Lu Wang, Wei-Hua Cai, Xin Zheng, Qian Li, Tomoaki Kunugi, Hui Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Spatiotemporal evolution of rotational natural cavitation in rotational supercavitating evaporator for desalination”, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering 142 (2020) 051205.

  13. Wenhua Zhang, Hong-Na Zhang, Bo Yu, Jingfa Li, Fengchen Li*, “Comparison of turbulent drag reduction mechanisms of viscoelastic fluids based on the Fukagata-Iwamoto-Kasagi identity and the Renard-Deck identity”, Physics of Fluids 32 (2020) 013104.

  14. Chao Yuan, Hong-Na Zhang, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study on the characteristics of Boger type viscoelastic fluid flow in a micro cross-slot under sinusoidal stimulation”, Entropy 22 (2020) 64.

  15. Lu Wang, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, “Drag reduction characterizations of turbulent channel flow with surfactant additive by proper orthogonal decomposition and wavelet transform”, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 32(1) 2020 1-14.

  16. Laishun Wang, Kai Wang, Nejdet Erkan, Yuan Yuan, Jiayue Chen, Baojie Nie, Fengchen Li*, Koji Okamoto, “Metal material surface wettability increase induced by electron beam irradiation”, Applied Surface Science 511 (2020) 145555.

  17. Durga Basatakoti, Hongna Zhang, Xiaobin Li, Weihua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, “Visualization of bubble mechanism of pulsating heat pipe with conventional working fluids and surfactant solution”, Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 2, 22-30, 2020.

  18. Dong-Sheng Guo, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Wen-Tao Su, “Vapor bubble-bubble Penetration during Subcooled Pool Boiling”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 159 (2020) 120142.

  19. Dong-Sheng Guo, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Wen-Tao Su, “Bubble behaviors during subcooled pool boiling in water and nonionic surfactant aqueous solution”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 159 (2020) 120087.

  20. Laishun Wang, Yuan Yuan, Nejdet Ekan, Haiguang Gong, Khan Abdul, Fengchen Li, Koji Okamoto, “Influence of surface wettability increase induced by Gamma-ray irradiation on critical heat flux in downward-facing flow boiling”, Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107420.

  21. Xiaobin Li, Maxime Binama, Wentao Su, Weihua Cai, Alexis Muhirwa, Biao Li, Fengchen Li, “Runner blade number influencing RPT runner flow characteristics under off-design conditions”, Renewable Energy 152 (2020) 876-891.

  22. Laishun Wang, Yuan Yuan, Nejdet Ekan, Fengchen Li, Koji Okamoto, “Effect of Metal Honeycomb Structure on Enhancing CHF in Saturated Downward-facing Flow Boiling”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 149 (2020) 119244.

  23. Feng-Chen Li*, “An abundant and renewable potential energy source - Harvestable energy under vehicle wheels”, Global Challenges 2019, 1800096, 2019.

  24. Jue Wang, Yi Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Experimental and LBM simulation study of bubbles merging effect on flow boiling”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 1053-1061.

  25. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Qian Li, Lu Wang, Li-Ming Yao, Wei-Hua Cai, Vladimir A Kulagin, Hui Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study on the effect of steam extraction on hydrodynamic characteristics of rotational supercavitating evaporator for desalination”, Desalination 455 (2019) 1-18.

  26. Baojie Nie, Man Jiang, Muyi Ni, Fengchen Li*, “Preliminary environment radiation considerations for CFETR”, Fusion Engineering and Design 140 (2019) 16-22.

  27. Baojie Nie, Muyi Ni, Jinchao Liu, Zhilin Zhu, Zuolong Zhu, Fengchen Li*, “Insights into potential consequences of fusion hypothetical accident, lessens learnt from the former fission accidents”, Environmental Pollution 245 (2019) 921-931.

  28. Baojie Nie, Qin Zeng, Guangming Ran, Muyi Ni, Zuolong Zhu, Xueli Zhao, Fengchen Li*, “Insights into fuel start-up and self-sufficiency for fusion energy: The case of CFETR”, Energy Science & Engineering 7 (2019) 457-468.

  29. Jian-Ping Cheng, Jiagang Qu, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Lian Shen, Sining Li Feng-Chen Li, “Steady laminar plume generated from a heated line in polymer solutions”, Physics of Fluids 31, 103101, 2019.

  30. Yun Jia, Xianzhu Wei, Qianyun Wang, Jinsheng Cui, Fengchen Li, “Experimental study of the effect of splitter blades on performance characteristics of a Francis turbine”, Energies 12 (2019) 1676.

  31. Maxime Binama, Wen-Tao Su, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, Xian-Zhu Wei, Alex Muhirwa, Ru-Zhi Gong, David W. Wekesa, “Investigation on reversible pump turbine flow structures and associated pressure field characteristics under different guide vane openings”, Science China – Technological Sciences 62 (2019) 2052-2074.

  32. Si-Ning Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Jian-Ping Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, Wei-Hua Cai, “A state-of-the-art overview on developing trend of heat transfer enhancement by single-phase flow at micro scale”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118476.

  33. Meng Zhang, Wu Zhang, Zheng-Wei Wu, Yi-Nan Shen, Hua-Yin Wu, Jian-Ping Cheng, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Wei-Hua Cai, “Modulation of viscoelastic fluid response to external body force”, Scientific Reports 9, 9402, 2019.

  34. Meng Zhang, Wu Zhang, Zhengwei Wu, Yinan Shen, Yicheng Chen, Fengchen Li, Weihua Cai, “Comparison of micro-mixing in time pulsed Newtonian fluid and viscoelastic fluid”, Micromachines 10 (2019) 262.

  35. Qian Li, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, Bing-Xi Li, Ching-Yao Chen, “Miscible density-driven flows in heterogeneous porous media: Influences of correlation length and distribution of permeability”, Physical Review Fluids 4 (2019) 014502.

  36. Jian-Ping Cheng, Wei-Hua Cai, Hong-Na zhang, Si-Ning Li, Feng-Chen Li, Lian Shen, and Shiz-Hi Qian, “Numerical study on the dynamic process of single plume in thermal convection with polymers”, Physics of Fluids 31 (2019) 023105.

  37. Wei-Hua Cai, Tong-Zhou Wei, Xiao-Jing Tang, Yao Liu, Biao Li, Feng-Chen Li, “The polymer effect on turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection based on PIV experiments”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 103 (2019) 214-221.

  38. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Feng-Chen Li*, Lu Wang, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Xin Zheng, “Experimental study on rheological and thermophysical properties of seawater with surfactant additive - Part II: Surface tension and thermal conductivity”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 1367-1379.

  39. Durga Bastakoti, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, “An experimental investigation of thermal performance of pulsating heat pipe with alcohols and surfactant solutions”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117, 1032-1040, 2018.

  40. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Feng-Chen Li*, Lu Wang, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Xin Zheng, “Experimental study on rheological and thermophysical properties of seawater with surfactant additive - Part I: Rheological properties”, Rheologica Acta 57 (2018) 619-633.

  41. Mohammed Amin Boukenkoul, Feng-Chen Li*, Wen-Li Chen, Hong-Na Zhang, “Lift-generation and moving-wall flow control over a low aspect ratio airfoil”, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering 140, 011104, 2018.

  42. Durga Bastakoti, Hong-Na Zhang, Da Li, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, “An overview on the developing trend of pulsating heat pipe and its performance”, Applied Thermal Engineering 141, 305-332, 2018.

  43. Hong-Na Zhang, Si-Ning Li, Jian-Ping Cheng, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study on the pulsating effect on heat transfer performance of pseudo-plastic fluid flow in a manifold microchannel heat sink”, Applied Thermal Engineering 129, 1092-1105, 2018.

  44. Jue Wang, Hiroto Sakashita, Feng-Chen Li*, Michitsugu Mori, “Heat transfer and CHF in subcooled flow boiling of aqueous surfactant solutions”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences 93, 131-138, 2018.

  45. Meng Zhang, Yunfeng Cui, Yongyao Li, Weihua Cai, Fengchen Li, Wu Zhang, Zhengwei Wu, “High mixing efficiency by modulating inlet frequency of viscoelastic fluid in simplified pore structure”, Processes 6, 210, doi:10.3390/pr6110210, 2018.

  46. Wei-Hua Cai, Yong-Yao Li, Hongna Zhang, Yu-Ke Li, Jian-Ping Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, “An efficient micro-mixer by elastic instabilities of viscoelastic fluids: mixing performance and mechanistic analysis”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 74 (2018) 130-143.

  47. T.-Z. Wei, W.-H. Cai, C.-Y. Huang, H.-N. Zhang, W.-T. Su, F.-C. Li, “The effect of surfactant solutions on flow structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection”, Thermal Science 22 (2018) S507-S515.

  48. Jheng-Sin Li, Qian Li, Weihua Cai, Feng-Chen Li, Ching-Yao Chen, “Mixing efficiency via alternating injection in a heterogeneous porous medium”, Journal of Mechanics 34 (2018) 167-176.

  49. Yu-Ke Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Yong-Yao Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Jian Wu, Shizhi Qian, Feng-Chen Li*, “Dynamic control of particle separation in deterministic lateral displacement separator with viscoelastic fluids”, Scientific Reports 8, 3618, 2018.

  50. M. Zhang, W. Zhang, A.Q. Liu, F.-C. Li*, C.-F. Lan, “Tunable polarization conversion and rotation based on a reconfigurable metasurface”, Scientific Reports 7, 12068, 2017.

  51. Jue Wang, Feng-Chen Li*, “Experimental study on the characteristics of CHF and pressure fluctuations of surfactant solution flow boiling”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 1004-1010, 2017.

  52. Yun Jia, Feng-Chen Li*, Xian-Zhu Wei, Xiao-Bin Li, Zhi-He Li, “A method for analysis of head cover deformation and vibration amplitude in Francis hydro-turbine system by combination of CFD and FEA”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31(9), 4255-4266, 2017.

  53. Chen-Xing Jiang, Shu-Lei Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Wan-You Li, “Numerical study on axisymmetric ventilated supercavitation influenced by drag-reducing additives”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 62-76, 2017.

  54. Jian-Ping Cheng, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Si-Ning Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Effect of polymer additives on heat transport and large-scale circulation in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection”, Physical Review E 96, 013111, 2017.

  55. Hong-Na Zhang, Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, “Numerical simulation of heat transfer process of viscoelastic fluid flow at high Weissenberg number by log-conformation reformulation”, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering 139, 091402, 2017.

  56. S. Smolentsev, M. Abdou, C. Courtessole, G. Pulugundla, F.-C. Li, N. Morley, R. Munipalli, P. Huang, C. Kaczynski, J. Young, T. Rhodes, Y. Yan, “Review of recent MHD activities for liquid metal blankets in the US”, Magnetohydrodynamics 53, 411-422, 2017.

  57. Maxime Binama, Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Xian-Zhu Wei, Shi An, “Investigation on pump as turbine (PAT) technical aspects for micro hydropower schemes: A state-of-the-art review”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 79, 148-179, 2017.

  58. Yu-Ke Li, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li*, Shi-Zhi Qian, Sang Woo Joo, Ludmila V. Kulagina, “Numerical study on secondary flows of viscoelastic fluids in straight ducts: Origin analysis and parametric effects”, Computers & Fluids 152, 57-73, 2017.

  59. Jingfa Li, Bo Yu, Lu Wang, Feng-Chen Li, Lei Hou, “A mixed subgrid-scale model based on ICSM and TADM for LES of surfactant-induced drag-reduction in turbulent channel flow”, Applied Thermal Engineering 115, 1322–1329, 2017.

  60. Si-Ning Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Xiao-Bin Li, Qian Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Shizhi Qian, Sang Woo Joo, “Numerical study on the heat transfer performance of non-Newtonian fluid flow in manifold microchannel heat sink”, Applied Thermal Engineering 115, 1213-1225, 2017.

  61. Dong-Yang Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Jian-Ping Cheng, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, Shi-Zhi Qian, Sang Woo Joo, “Numerical simulation of heat transfer enhancement by elastic turbulence in a curvy channel”, Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 21: Article No. 25: 1-16, 2017.

  62. Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, “Efficient heat transfer enhancement by polymer solution in a curvy microchannel”, Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 21: Article No. 10: 1-13, 2017.

  63. Lu Wang, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, Yue Wang, “Wavelet analyses of coherent structures and intermittency in forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 9(11), 1-12, 2017.

  64. Lu Wang, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Jia-Qi Bao, Tong-Zhou Wei, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, “Wavelet analysis on the drag-reducing characteristics of turbulent channel flow with surfactant additive based on experimental data”, Canadian Journal of Physics 95, 1115-1121, 2017.

  65. Yue Wang, Wei-Hua Cai, Xin Zheng, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, “Experimental study on two-oscillating grid turbulence with viscoelastic fluids based on PIV”, Canadian Journal of Physics 95(12), 1271-1277, 2017.

  66. Jue Wang, Feng-Chen Li*, Xiao-Bin Li, “On the mechanism of boiling heat transfer enhancement by surfactant addition”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 101, 800-806, 2016.

  67. Jue Wang, Feng-Chen Li*, Xiao-Bin Li, “Bubble explosion in pool boiling around a heated wire in surfactant solution”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 99, 569–575, 2016.

  68. Chen-Xing Jiang, Zhi-Jun Shuai, Xiang-Yuan Zhang, Wan-You Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical Study on evolution of axisymmetric natural supercavitation influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives”, Applied Thermal Engineering 107, 797–803, 2016.

  69. Chen-Xing Jiang, Zhi-Jun Shuai, Xiang-Yuan Zhang, Wan-You Li, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study on the transient behavior of water-entry supercavitating flow around a cylindrical projectile influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives”, Applied Thermal Engineering 104, 450-460, 2016.

  70. Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Shi-Zhi Qian, Sang W. Joo “Measuring heat transfer performance of viscoelastic fluid flow in curved microchannel using Ti–Pt film temperature sensor”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences 77, 226–233, 2016.

  71. Xiao-Bin Li, Masamichi Oishi, Marie Oshima, Feng-Chen Li*, Song-Jing Li, “Measuring elasticity-induced unstable flow structures in a curved microchannel using confocal micro particle image velocimetry”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 75, 118-128, 2016.

  72. Jian-Ping Cheng, Li-Ming Yan, Feng-Chen Li*, “CFD simulation of a four-loop PWR at asymmetric operation conditions”, Nuclear Engineering and Design 300, 591-600, 2016.

  73. Yue Wang, Wei-Hua Cai, Tong-Zhou Wei, Hong-Na Zhang, Lu Wang, Feng-Chen Li*, Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis for two-oscillating grid turbulence with viscoelastic fluids. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 8(11), 1-13, 2016.

  74. Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Chao-Feng Lan, Shi An, Jian-Sheng Wang and Feng-Chen Li, “Chaotic dynamic characteristics of pressure fluctuation signals in hydro-turbine”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30, 5009-5017, 2016.

  75. Teng Zhou, Li-Hsien Yeh, Feng-Chen Li, Benjamin Mauroy, Sang Woo Joo, “Deformability-based electrokinetic particle separation”, Micromachines 7, 170; doi:10.3390/mi7090170, 2016.

  76. Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li*, Xiao-Bin Li, Dong-Yang Li, Wei-Hua Cai, Bo Yu, “Characteristics and generation of elastic turbulence in a three-dimensional parallel plate channel using direct numerical simulation”, Chinese Physics B 25, 094701, 2016.

  77. Xiao-Bin Li, Masamichi Oishi, Tsukasa Matsuo, Marie Oshima, Feng-Chen Li*, “Measurement of viscoelastic fluid flow in the curved microchannel using digital holographic microscope and polarized camera”, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering 138, 091401 (8 pages), 2016.

  78. Zhi-Jun Shuai, Chen-Xing Jiang, Dong-Hua Wang, Zeng-Hao Zhou, Feng-Chen Li, “Numerical simulation of the dynamic flow characteristics in a centrifugal water pump with asymmetric diffusers”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering Vol. 7, 1-12, 2015.

  79. Chao-Feng Lan, Feng-Chen Li, Huan Chen, Di Lu, De-Sen Yang, Meng Zhang, “Theoretical and experimental study on the acoustic wave energy after the nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves in aqueous media”, China Ocean Engineering 29, 611-621, 2015.

  80. Chen-Xing Jiang, Feng-Chen Li*, “Experimental study on the characteristics of ventilated cavitation around an underwater navigating body influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives”, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 58, 594703, 2015.

  81. Juan-Cheng Yang, Feng-Chen Li*, Ming-Jiu Ni, Bo Yu, “Analysis of heat transfer performance for turbulent viscoelastic fluid based nanofluid using field synergy principle”, Science China – Technological Sciences 58, 1137–1145, 2015.

  82. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Feng-Chen Li*, Qian Li, Vladimir A. Kulagin, “Numerical study on the characteristics of natural supercavitation by planar symmetric wedge-shaped cavitators for rotational supercavitating evaporator”, Science China – Technological Sciences 58, 1072-1083, 2015.

  83. Juan-Cheng Yang, Feng-Chen Li*, Wei-Hua Cai, Hong-Na Zhang, and Bo Yu, “Direct numerical simulation of viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluid turbulent channel flow with heat transfer”, Chinese Physics B 24, 084401, 2015.

  84. Feng-Chen Li*, Lu Wang, Wei-Hua Cai, “A new mixed subgrid-scale model for large eddy simulation of turbulent drag-reducing flows of viscoelastic fluids”, Chinese Physics B 24, 074701, 2015.

  85. Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Wei-Hua Cai, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Masamichi Oishi, Marie Oshima, “Droplet dynamics of viscoelastic fluid under very low interfacial tension in a T-junction microchannel”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18, 1007-1021, 2015.

  86. J.-C. Yang, F.-C. Li*, H.-P. Xu, Y.-R. He, Y.-M. Huang, B.-C. Jiang, “Heat transfer performance of viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluid pipe flow at entrance region”, Experimental Heat Transfer 28, 125-138, 2015.

  87. Dong-Yang Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li, “Experimental and numerical study on the droplet formation in a cross-flow microchannel”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15, 2964-2969, 2015.

  88. Dmitriy S. Likhachev, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study of the characteristics of the supercavitation on a cone in bounded axial water flow”, Desalination and Water Treatment 52, 7053-7064, 2014.

  89. Dmitriy S. Likhachev, Feng-Chen Li*, Vladimir A. Kulagin, “Experimental study on the performance of a rotational supercavitating evaporator for desalination”, Science China-Technological Sciences 57, 2115-2130, 2014.

  90. Juan-Cheng Yang, Feng-Chen Li*, Wei-Hua Cai, Hong-Na Zhang, and Bo Yu, “On the mechanism of convective heat transfer enhancement in a turbulent flow of nanofluid investigated by DNS and analyses of POD and FSP”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 78, 277-288, 2014.

  91. Xian-Zhu Wei, Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Lei Guo, “Effect of blade perforation on Francis hydro-turbine cavitation characteristics”, Journal of Hydraulic Research 52(3), 412-420, 2014.

  92. Chen-Xing Jiang, Feng-Chen Li*, “Numerical study of natural supercavitation influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 275316, 13 pages, 2014.

  93. Xiao-Bin Li, Hong-Na Zhang, Marie Oshima, Feng-Chen Li*, “Motion of passive scalar by elastic turbulence in curved channel flow”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 734175, 10 pages, 2014.

  94. Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Xian-Zhu Wei, Jin-Tao Liu, Yu-Lin Wu, “On the flow instabilities and turbulent kinetic energy of large-scale Francis hydro-turbine model at low flow rate conditions”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 786891, 16 pages, 2014.

  95. Yi Wang, Bo Yu, Xuan Wu, Peng Wang, Feng-Chen Li and Yasuo Kawaguchi, POD study on large-scale structures of viscoelastic turbulent drag-reducing flow”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 574381, 15 pages, 2014.

  96. Wan-You Li, Xiang-Yuan Zhang, Zhi-Jun Shuai, Chen-Xing Jiang and Feng-Chen Li, “CFD Numerical simulation of the complex turbulent flow field in an axial-flow water pump”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 521706, 13 pages, 2014.

  97. Zhi-Jun Shuai, Wan-You Li, Xiang-Yuan Zhang, Chen-Xing Jiang and Feng-Chen Li, “Numerical study on characteristics of pressure fluctuations in an axial-flow water pump”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 565061, 7 pages, 2014.

  98. Chen-Xing Jiang, Feng-Chen Li*, “Experimental and Numerical study of water entry supercavity influenced by turbulent drag-reducing additives”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 280643, 13 pages, 2014.

  99. Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Xian-Zhu Wei, Wen-Fu Han, Shu-Hong Liu, “Experimental investigation on the hydrodynamic stabilities of large-scale Francis hydro-turbine model”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 486821, 13 pages, 2014.

  100. Dmitriy S. Likhachev, Feng-Chen Li*, “Modeling of a rotational supercavitating evaporator and geometrical characteristics of supercavity within”, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 57, 541-554, 2014.

  101. Lu Wang, Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, “Large-eddy simulations of a forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives”, Chinese Physics B 23(3), 034701, 2014.

  102. Huai-Zhi Han, Bing-Xi Li, Feng-Chen Li, Yu-Rong He, “RST for flow and heat transfer mechanism in outward convex corrugated tube”, Computers & Fluids 91, 107-129, 2014.

  103. F.-C. Li*, D. Sutevski, S. Smolentsev, M. Abdou, Experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop in molten PbLi flows in a circular duct under non-uniform transverse magnetic field”, Fusion Engineering and Design 88, 3060-3071, 2013.

  104. Dmitriy S. Likhachev, Feng-Chen Li*, “On Large-scale industrial water desalination methods: A review and new perspectives”, Desalination and Water Treatment 51, 2836-2849, 2013.

  105. S. Smolentsev, F.-C. Li, N. Morley, Y. Ueki, M. Abdou, T. Sketchley, Construction and initial operation of MHD PbLi facility at UCLA”, Fusion Engineering and Design 88, 317-326, 2013.

  106. Juan-Cheng Yang, Feng-Chen Li*, Yu-Rong He, Yi-Min Huang, Bao-Cheng Jiang, “Experimental study on the characteristics of heat transfer and flow resistance in a turbulent pipe flow of viscoelastic-fluid-based Cu nanofluid”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 62, 303-313, 2013.

  107. Feng-Chen Li*, Juan-Cheng Yang, Wen-Wu Zhou, Yu-Rong He, Yi-Min Huang, Bao-Cheng Jiang, “Experimental study on the characteristics of thermal conductivity and shear viscosity of viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluids containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes”, Thermochimica Acta 556, 47–53, 2013.

  108. Zhi-Ying Zheng, Feng-Chen Li*, Juan-Cheng Yang, “Modeling asymmetric flow of viscoelastic fluid in symmetric planar sudden expansion geometry based on user-defined function in FLUENT CFD package”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 795937, 13 pages, 2013.

  109. Wen-Tao Su, Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Zhi-Ying Zheng, Xin Zhang, Comparison of LES, RANS computations and PIV experiments in a cylindrical cavity flow”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 592940.

  110. Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Yue Wang and Lu Wang, The polymer effect on nonlinear processes in decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 921524.

  111. Hong-Na Zhang, Feng-Chen Li*, Yang Cao, Bo Yu, “Direct numerical simulation of elastic turbulence and its mixing-enhancement effect in a straight channel flow”, Chinese Physics B 22(2), 024703, 2013.

  112. Ru-Zhi Gong, Hong-Jie Wang, Quan-Zhong Liu, Ling-Feng Shu, Feng-Chen Li. Numerical simulation and rotor dynamic stability analysis on a large hydraulic turbine”, Computers & Fluids 88, 11-18, 2013.

  113. W.-L. Chen, H. Li, J.-P. Ou, F.-C. Li, “Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibrations of inclined cables under different wind profiles”, Journal of Bridge Engineering 18, pp. 42-53, 2013.

  114. Shujin Laima, Hui Li, Wenli Chen, Fengchen Li, “Investigation and control of vortex-induced vibration of twin box girders”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 39 (2013) 205–221.

  115. Feng-Chen Li*, Wei-Hua Cai, Hong-Na Zhang, Yue Wang, “Influence of polymer additives on turbulent energy cascading in forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence studied by DNS”, Chinese Physics B 21(11) (2012) 114701.

  116. Huai-Zhi Han, Bing-Xi Li, Bi-Yong Yu, Yu-Rong He, Feng-Chen Li, “Numerical study of flow and heat transfer characteristics in outward convex corrugated tubes”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55(25-26), 7782-7802, 2012.

  117. S. Smolentsev, T. Kunugi, K. Messadek, T. Yokomine, J. Young, K. Yuki, Y. Ueki, T. Sketchley, F.-C. Li, N. Morley, M. Abdou, “Status of “TITAN” Task 1-3 “Flow Control and Thermofluid Modeling””, Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (2012) 777-781.

  118. Feng-Chen Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Yang Cao, Tomoaki Kunugi, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Marie Oshima, “Purely elastic instability and mixing enhancement in 3D curvilinear channel flow”, Chinese Physics Letters 29(9) (2012) 094704.

  119. Wen-Tao Su, Feng-Chen Li*, Xiao-Bin Li, Xian-Zhu Wei, Yue Zhao, “Assessment of LES performance in simulating the complex 3D flows in turbo-machine”, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6(3) (2012) 355-364.

  120. Juan-Cheng Yang, Feng-Chen Li*, Wen-Wu Zhou, Yu-Rong He, Bao-Cheng Jiang, “Experimental investigation on the thermal conductivity and shear viscosity of viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluids”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 3160–3166.

  121. Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Yue Wang, Lu Wang, “Analysis of coherent structures in drag-reducing polymer solution flow based on proper orthogonal decomposition”, Science China Series G-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol. 55(5) (2012), pp. 1-7.

  122. Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Wei-Hua Cai, Hong-Na Zhang, Juan-Cheng Yang, “Very-low-Re chaotic motions of viscoelastic fluid and its unique applications in microfluidic devices: A Review”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 39 (2012), pp. 1-16.

  123. Xiao-Bin Li, Feng-Chen Li*, Juan-Cheng Yang, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Masamichi Oishi and Marie Oshima, “Study on the mechanism of droplet formation in T-junction microchannel”, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 69 (2012), pp. 340-351.

  124. Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, Exhaustive investigation of the interaction between polymer effect and velocity gradient tensor in decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence”, Chinese Physics B, Vol. 20(12), 124702-1-14, 2011.

  125. Cong Qi, Yurong He, Yanwei Hu, Juancheng Yang, Fengchen Li, Yulong Ding, “Natural convection of Cu-Gallium nanofluid in enclosures”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 133, 122504, 2011.

  126. Ying-Bo Zhou, Na Xu, Ning Ma, Feng-Chen Li*, Jin-Jia Wei and Bo Yu, “On relationships among the aggregation number, rheological property and turbulent drag-reducing effect of surfactant solutions”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2011, Article ID 345328, 5 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/345328, 2011.

  127. B. Yu, X. Wu, J.J. Wei, F.-C. Li and Y. Kawaguchi, “DNS study by a bilayer model on the mechanism of heat transfer reduction in drag-reduced flow induced by surfactant”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 38(2), pp. 160-167, 2011.

  128. Yi Wang, Bo Yu, Xuan Wu, Jinjia Wei, Fengchen Li, Yasuo Kawaguchi, “POD study on the mechanism of turbulent drag reduction and heat transfer reduction based on direct numerical simulation”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 11, pp. 149-159, 2011.

  129. Yurong He, Cong Qi, Yanwei Hu, Bin Qin, Fengchen Li and Yulong Ding, “Lattice Boltzmann simulation of alumina – water nanofluid in a square cavity”, Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 6, 184, 2011.

  130. Wei-Hua Cai, Feng-Chen Li*, Hong-Na Zhang, “DNS study of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 665, pp. 334-356, 2010.

  131. F.-C. Li*, H. Kinoshita, X.-B. Li, M. Oishi, T. Fujii, M. Oshima, “Creating low-Reynolds-number chaotic flow motions in microchannels using viscoelastic surfactant solution”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34 (2010) 20–27.

  132. Feng-Chen Li*, Wen-Li Chen, Hui Li, Rui Zhang, “An ultrasonic transmission thickness measurement system for study of water rivulets characteristics of stay cables suffering from wind-rain-induced vibration”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 159, pp. 12-23, 2010.

  133. Hui Li, Wen-Li Chen, Feng Xu, Feng-Chen Li, Jin-Ping Ou, “A numerical and experimental hybrid approach for the investigation of aerodynamic forces on stay cables suffering from rain-wind induced vibration”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 26 (2010) 1195–1215.

  134. Jinjia Wei, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Bo Yu, Feng-Chen Li, Chengwei Zhang, “Microstructures and rheology of micellar surfactant solution by Brownian dynamics simulation”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 61, pp. 503-515, 2010.

  135. W.-H. Cai, F.-C. Li*, H.-N. Zhang, X.-B. Li, B. Yu, J.-J. Wei, Y. Kawaguchi and K. Hishida, “Study on the characteristics of turbulent drag-reducing channel flow by PIV combining with POD analysis, Physics of Fluids 21, 115103, 2009.

  136. J.J. Wei, Y. Kawaguchi, F.-C. Li, B. Yu, J.L. Zakin, D.J. Hart, Y. Zhang, “Drag-reducing and heat transfer characteristics of a novel zwitterionic surfactant solution”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, pp. 3547-3554, 2009.

  137. J.J. Wei, Y. Kawaguchi, F.-C. Li, B. Yu, J.L. Zakin, D.J. Hart, G. Oba, Y. Zhang, W. Ge, Drag Reduction and Turbulence Characteristics in Sub-Zero Temperature Range of Cationic and Zwitterionic Surfactants in EG/Water Solvent”, Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 10(10), pp. 1-15, 2009.

  138. Y. Wang, B. Yu, J.-J. Wei, F.-C. Li, Y. Kawaguchi, “Direct numerical simulation on drag-reducing flow by polymer additives using a spring-dumbbel model”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 9, pp. 217-224, 2009.

  139. H.-N. Zhang, B. Yu, Y. Wang, J.-J. Wei, F.-C. Li, “Comments on Three-point explicit compact difference scheme with arbitrary order of accuracy and its application in CFD”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 30, pp. 669-676, 2009.

  140. Feng-Chen Li*, Bo Yu, Jin-Jia Wei, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Koichi Hishida, “Experimental study of drag-reduction mechanisms for a dilute surfactant solution flow”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 51(3-4) pp. 835-843, 2008.

  141. Feng-Chen Li*, Yong Dong, Yasuo Kawaguchi, and Marie Oshima, “Experimental study on swirling flow of dilute surfactant solution with deformed free-surface”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 33, pp. 161-168, 2008.

  142. Jin-Jia Wei, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Bo Yu, and Feng-Chen Li, “Brownian dynamics simulation of microstructures and elongational viscosities”, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 25(12) pp. 4469-4472, 2008.

  143. Feng-Chen LI*, Masamichi OISHI, Yasuo KAWAGUCHI, Nobuyuki OSHIMA and Marie OSHIMA, “Experimental study on symmetry breaking in a swirling free-surface cylinder flow influenced by viscoelasticity”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 31(3), pp. 237-248, 2007.

  144. Takehiko SEGAWA, Koki MURAKAMI, Hiroshi MIZUNUMA, Feng-Chen LI and Hiro YOSHIDA, “Turbulent drag reduction by means of alternative suction and blowing jets”, Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 39, pp. 552-568, 2007.

  145. Jinjia WEI, Fengchen LI, Bo YU and Yasuo KAWAGUCHI, “Swirling flow of a viscoelastic fluid with free surface. Part I: Experimental analysis of vortex motion by PIV”, ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 128(1), pp. 69-76, 2006.

  146. F.-C. LI*, Y. KAWAGUCHI, K. HISHIDA and M. OSHIMA “Investigation of turbulence structures in a drag-reduced turbulent channel flow with surfactant additive using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry”, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 40, pp. 218-230, 2006.

  147. F.-C. LI*, Y. KAWAGUCHI, T. SEGAWA and K. HISHIDA, “On turbulent contribution to frictional drag in wall-bounded turbulent flow”, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 23(5), pp. 1226-1229, 2006.

  148. Feng-Chen LI, Yasuo KAWAGUCHI, Takehiko SEGAWA and Koichi HISHIDA, “Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry investigation of three-dimensional characteristics of vortex structure in a turbulent channel flow”, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 22(3), pp 624-627, 2005.

  149. Feng-Chen LI, Yasuo KAWAGUCHI and Koichi HISHIDA, “Structural analysis of turbulent transport in a heated drag-reducing channel flow with surfactant additives”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48(5), pp 965-973, 2005.

  150. Feng-Chen LI, Tomoaki KUNUGI and Akimi SERIZAWA, “MHD effect on the flow structures and heat transfer characteristics of liquid metal-gas annular flow in a vertical pipe”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48(12), pp. 2571-2581, 2005.

  151. F.-C. LI, Y. KAWAGUCHI, T. SEGAWA and K. HISHIDA, “Reynolds-number dependence of turbulence structures in a drag-reducing surfactant solution channel flow investigated by PIV”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17(7), 075104, 2005.

  152. F.-C. LI, Y. KAWAGUCHI, T. SEGAWA and K. SUGA, “Wave-turbulence interaction at the free surface of a low-speed plane liquid wall jet investigated by particle image velocimetry”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17(8), 082101, 2005.

  153. F.-C. LI, Y. KAWAGUCHI, T. SEGAWA and K. SUGA, “Simultaneous measurement of turbulent velocity field and surface wave amplitude in the initial stage of an open-channel flow by PIV”, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 39, pp. 945-953, 2005.

  154. Bo YU, Feng-Chen LI and Yasuo KAWAGUCHI, “Numerical and experimental investigation of turbulent characteristics in a drag-reducing flow with surfactant additives”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 25, pp. 961-974, 2004.

  155. Feng-Chen LI and Akimi SERIZAWA, “Experimental study on flow characteristics of a vertically falling film flow of liquid metal NaK in a transverse magnetic field”, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 70(2), pp 185-199, 2004.

  156. F.-C. LI, D.Z. WANG, Y. KAWAGUCHI and K. HISHIDA, “Simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations in thermal boundary layer in a drag-reducing surfactant solution flow”, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 36, pp 131-140, 2004.

  157. F.-C. LI, Y. KAWAGUCHI and K. HISHIDA, “Investigation on the characteristics of turbulence transport for momentum and heat in a drag-reducing surfactant solution flow”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16(9), pp 3281-3295, 2004.