2024年9月常州大学低碳清洁能源与安全高效燃烧科研团队孙运兰教授课题组2022级硕士研究生黄乃强在Journal of Materials Science期刊发表了题为“The synergy of polyvinylidene fluoride and CuO to enhance the combustion of boron powder”的研究论文。
1. CuO促进PVDF的分解,导致(B/CuO8)@PVDF12体系的PIR温度降低。具体而言,当CuO的质量含量从0增加到8 wt%时,PVDF的初始分解温度从317.52 ℃降低到262.31 ℃。
2. CuO和PVDF可以缩短未改性B的点火延迟时间,增强其燃烧强度。(B/CuO4)@PVDF16样品的点火延迟时间比未改性B粉缩短了46.4%,火焰扩展速率从0.091显著增加到0.280 m s−1,燃烧热增加了28.2%。
3. CuO和PVDF均能抑制B粉团聚,但抑制机理不同。CuO的存在加速了液态B2O3的挥发,阻止了熔融的B2O3团聚成较大的颗粒;而PVDF热分解产生的HF气体与B粉发生反应,破坏了B2O3层,抑制了B颗粒间的团聚。
Boron (B) powder is considered to be an excellent fuel for propulsion applications due to its remarkable energy density. However, B is severely affected by boron oxide (B2O3) on its surface. To solve this problem, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and copper oxide (CuO) coatings were applied onto B particles, leveraging their synergistic effects to enhance the ignition and combustion performance (ICP) of B. Various characterization methods and CO2 laser ignition experiments were used to determine how PVDF and CuO impact B combustion. PVDF and CuO are helpful to improve the ICP of B. Especially for the (B/CuO4)@PVDF16 sample, it exhibits 28.2% higher combustion heat, 46.4% shorter ignition delay, and flame expansion rate (FER) increases from 0.091 to 0.280 m s-1 versus unmodified B. Furthermore, PVDF suppresses B powder agglomeration during combustion. The present work provides a new idea for improving the combustion of B powder.
原文链接: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-024-10203-8
撰稿:2022级硕士研究生黄乃强 审核:朱宝忠