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【学术论文】恭喜课题组2022级硕士生周海龙同学论文被Thermochimica Acta期刊录用发表!

 20248月常州大学低碳清洁能源与安全高效燃烧科研团队孙运兰教授课题组2022级硕士研究生周海龙在Thermochimica Acta期刊发表了题为“Study on nano-sized boron particles modified by EMOF to enhance the combustion performance”的研究论文


1 EMOF可以降低nB的放热温度,扩大nB粉体的增重温度范围,增加nB的放热晗。

2 EMOF可以显著提高nB的火焰强度和传播速度,降低点火延迟。

3 EMOF分解可以破坏nB表面的氧化层,减少团聚。并且EMOF分解产生的CuO还可以催化nB的燃烧,以提升nB的燃烧效率。




 Boron (B) powder has been considered a promising high-energy material due to its high calorific value. Nevertheless, the low combustion efficiency and the difficulty in ignition restrict its application. To solve the problems, in this study, an energetic metal-organic framework (EMOF) was used as a modifier for the nano-sized B powder, and its effect on the ignition and burning performance of B powder was examined. EMOF can significantly increase the heat release of B powder and lower its initial oxidation temperature. The best improvement is achieved with 10% EMOF contents in air, while the highest heat release is obtained with 25% EMOF contents in pure oxygen. Furthermore, EMOF can also reduce the ignition delay of B powder, enhance the flame intensity, and increase the flame propagation rate. This study offers new perspectives on modifying B powder with incorporating EMOF to develop multifunctional energetic particles with improved ignition and combustion characteristics.



撰稿:2022级硕士研究生周海龙    审核:朱宝忠