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KathayatGayatri 教授     进组时间: 2024


2024- Present    Professor, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xi’an China.

2019-2024        Associate Professor, Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an China.

2016-2019        Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an China.

2011-2012         Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, USA.

2008-2010         Research Fellow, University Grant Commission, Department of Geology, D.S.B. campus, Kumaun                                            University, Nainital, India.

2007-2008         Research Assistant, Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST) & Department of                                        Geology, D.S.B. campus, Kumaun University Nainital, India.


2013-2016        Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. Dissertation: Indian Summer                                Monsoon Variability on Multiple Timescales.

2010-2012        MS in Urban Environment Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China.

2004-2006       MS in Geology, Department of Geology, D.S.B. campus Kumaun University, Uttarakhand, Nainital.

2001-2003       BS in Geology, Department of Geology, D.S.B. campus Kumaun University, Uttarakhand, Nainital.


2021-2025        PI, Natural Science Foundation of China, D0209. Reconstructions of the Indian Summer Monsoon                                             Multidecadal Variability and its Relationship with the Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation over the Last                                 Glacial Cycle. ¥650,000.

2019-2023        Continental evolution and monsoon system evolution (Grant No.: 41888101; 2019.1-2023.12), National                                      Natural Science Foundation of China. ¥17,000,000.

2019-2022         PI, A precise characterization of the Indian Monsoon abrupt climate events during the “Little Ice Age” in the                              Indian subcontinent. ¥80,000.

2018-2022         Natural Science Foundation of China, 41731174. The Driver of Climate Change Resides in High or Low                                    Latitude? Precise Comparison of Key Climate Events from Global Speleothems. ¥3,200,000.

2017-2020         PI, Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Project, 41731174, Assessment of the 4.2 ka BP event using                                high-resolution precisely dated speleothem d18O records from NE India. ¥300,000.

2012-2017         National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Project, 41230524, Coupling Relationship between                                      Indian  Monsoon Change and East Asian Monsoon: Stalagmite Isotope Record Research, studying and                                        participation. ¥3,200,000.

2013-2017         National Science and Technology 973 Subproject, 2013CB955902, Climate variability and driving                                              mechanism during the typical warm season in mainland China. ¥6,030,000.


2013                  “Young Scientist” Award, PAGES 2nd Young Scientist Meeting, Goa, India2013. 2013                                                                 Fully funded Fellowship- Young Scientist and Open Scientist Meeting, Goa, India, PAGES, 2013.                                               $3000.

2015-2016        “Outstanding Student” Award, the Chinese Scientific Council. $45,000.

2010-2016        Fully funded Fellowship, Chinese Government Scholarship, funded by the Chinese Scientific Council.

2008-2010        Fully funded Fellowship, Junior Research Fellow (JRF) sponsored by the University Grant Commission                                      (UGC) New Delhi.

2007-2008        Project fellow, UGC funded grant, Kumaun University, Nainital.


2004-Present    Hi-fidelity climatic reconstructions on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales from both                             hemispheres using stable isotopes and trace elements

                     Geochemistry and Uranium-Thorium dating of cave carbonates:

                          Regional and microclimate monitoring.

                          Applications of Isotope enabled General Circulation Models.

                          Caving expeditions


2012-Present      Supervised undergraduate and graduate students at XJTU in Geochemistry, Global Climate Change, and                                     Earth Science

2016-Present      Trained graduate students and visiting research fellows in laboratory methods including U-series dating and                                geochemistry, data analysis and interpretation of speleothem-based-proxy data.


2004-Present      Led caving field expeditions to India, Nepal, China, Madagascar; Lake and peat bogs coring in   Northern                                  India.


2022                  Session convener and member of the scientific committee, Krast-9, University of Innsbruck, Austria. Session:                            From Decadal to Seasonal Resolution: Speleothem Records on Human Timescales.

2020                  Symposium in 36th International Geological Congress, New Delhi India 2020. Symposium:  22.4 Holocene                                 Monsoon History with Focus on Changes During Last Two Millennia.

2019                 Organized Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and Analysis (SISAL) 4th workshop: Exploiting the SISALv2                                    database  for evaluating climate processes, in Xi’an- 2019.

 2019                Session convener in the Conference on Pan-Pacific Anthropocene (ConPPA) at Department of Geosciences,                                National Taiwan University, 2019. Session: Terrestrial Proxy Records of Anthropocene.


2022              Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI), Pretoria, South Africa. keynote talk: session Climate                               Change, Culture, and Art. Protracted Indian Monsoon Droughts of the Past Millennium and Their Societal                                 Impacts.

2021             Webinar series by Association of Quaternary Researchers (AOQR), India. The 4.2 ka BP Event” in the Indian                            Subcontinent? An Objective Synthesis of Proxy Records.

2020             Southeast Asia Paleo Environments Consortium (SAPEC), Bidoup Nui Ba National Park (BDNP) Vietnam.                                racking moisture sources and contributions with an isotope-enabled GCM: An interpretive framework for                                  Indian  monsoon speleothem records

2018             India Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), India. Invited by Prof. Chakrapani, Department of Earth Science                          IITR. The Past, Present, and Future of Indian Monsoon.

2017             Department of Earth Science, Nanjing Normal University: The Indian Monsoon Variability and Civilization                               Changes in the Indian Subcontinent.

2016             Department of Earth Science, California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, USA. Invited by Prof.                                  Sinha. Indian monsoon variability on multiple timescales.

2016             Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) course held at India Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK),                                India. Reconstruction Of Asian Monsoon System: New Approaches & Techniques.

2015              University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Invited by Profs. Amos FetyMichel Rakotondrazafy and Marie                                    OlgaMadison Razanatseheno, Department of Earth Science. Reconstructing Monsoon Variations in India –                                Evidence from Speleothems.

2015            The Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, Ministry of Land and Resources, Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese                             Academy of Geological Sciences, 541004 Guilin, China. Depiction of the Indian Monsoon over the last glacial-                          interglacial period from Bittoo Cave, and Holocene record, Northern India.