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秦俊杰 副教授    






2020/09-2023/12,新加坡国立大学,博士后,合作导师:Prof Shao Q. Yao


2018.08-2019.08,新加坡国立大学,化学系,博士联合培养,导师:Prof Shao Q. Yao




1. 聚合物/无机纳米粒子自组装;

2. 柔性光子晶体智能材料及海洋传感技术研究;

3. 可穿戴智能响应传感器及其疾病可视化诊断/床旁检测应用研究


以第一作者在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Sci., J. Mater. Chem. C等主流期刊发表文章十余篇。研究成果被领域顶级期刊广泛引用,且被相关学术媒体亮点报道。多次受邀参加学术会议,进行口头报告。



1. Junjie Qin, J. Guo, G. Tang, L. Li and Shao Q. Yao*, Multiplex Identification of Posttranslational Modifications by Deep Learning-assisted Hydrogel Sensors, AngewandteChemie International Edition2023, 62, e202218412.

2. Junjie Qin, X. Li, L. Cao, S. Du, W. Wang* and Shao Q. Yao*, Competition-Based UniversalPhotonic Crystal Biosensors by Using Antibody-Antigen Interaction, Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 417-423.

3. Junjie Qin, W. Wang, L. Gao and Shao Q. Yao*, Emerging Biosensing and TransducingTechniques for Potential Applications in Point-of-Care Diagnostic. Chemical Science, 2022,13, 2857-2876.

4. Junjie Qin*, B. Dong, W. Wang and L. Cao*, Self-regulating bioinspired supramolecularhydrogels based on chemical reaction networks for monitoring enzymes and biofuels, Journalof Colloid and Interface Science2023, 649, 344-354.

5. Junjie Qin, B. Dong, L. Cao* and W. Wang*, Photonic Hydrogels for Ultratrace Sensing ofDivalent Beryllium in Seawater. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6(15), 4234-4242.

6. Junjie Qin, B. Dong, X. Li, J. Han, R. Gao, G. Su, L. Cao* and W. Wang*, Fabrication ofIntelligent Photonic Crystal Hydrogel Sensors for Selective Detection of Trace Mercury Ions inSeawater, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 8482-8488.

7. Junjie Qin*, W. Wang and L. Cao*, Hydrogel Sensing System for Wearable andNoninvasive Cortisol Monitoring, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2023, 5 (9), 7079-7089.

8. Junjie Qin, B. Dong, R. Gao, G. Su, J. Han, X. Li, W. Liu, W. Wang and L. Cao, Water-solublesilica-coated ZnS:Mn nanoparticles as fluorescent sensors for the detection of ultratracecopper(II) ions in seawater, Analytical Methods, 2017, 9, 322-328.

