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恭喜李岩在International Journal of Hydrogen Energy上发表文章!

Ultrathin Fan-like Multimetallic Oxide as A Superior Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalyst in Alkaline Water and Seawater


Atomically thin quinary CNWFVOx (CoNiWFeVOx) amorphous ultrathin fan-like nanobelts were successfully synthesized by a simple colloidal chemistry strategy for electrocatalytic OER in alkaline water and seawater. The catalyst required only low overpotentials of 245 mV and 272 mV to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm-2 under alkaline conditions and simulated seawater, respectively, even better than commercial RuO2, and the electrode activity remained almost constant after more than 80 h of stability testing. The superior catalytic performance may be attributed to the unique amorphous ultrathin structure conferring a larger active surface area and the modulation of the electronic environment by the synergistic interaction between multiple components.