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Farheen Jabeen (Ph.D.)


Academic Position: Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics, Post Doc Fellow in School of Materials Science and Engineering

Affiliation: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, No. 2 Road of Xiasha, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, PR China, 310018 

E-mail: jabeenfarheen87@zstu.edu.cn; jabeenfarheen@hotmail.com 

Phone: 13616528706; 03182299576

Research Field: Currently, I am working on molecular biology, and nanotechnology in the field of Material Science for Breast Cancer genetic engineering

Research Projects: AOB blood grouping and its effect on paternity test; Mono and di-zygotic Twin study and their inheritance

Education: PhD (2013-2019) 1st Division

Genetics, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

Thesis Title: Alleviation of salt stress through exogenous application of heat shock & phytohormones on various mung bean genotypes

Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Simeen Mansoor


MSc (2007-2008) 1st Division

Genetics, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

Thesis Title: Genetic diversity in local and durum bread wheat varieties

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Farzana Nasir Naqvi


· Luo D, Xu X, Iqbal MZ, Zhao Q, Zhao R, J. Farheen, Zhang Q, Zhang P, Kong X* (2021). siRNA-loaded hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for KRAS gene silencing in anti-pancreatic cancer therapy. Pharmaceutics 13:1428 https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13091428.
· Farheen J*, Mansoor S. (in press). Investigation of green gram (Vigna radiata) DNA alteration
induced by salinity and salicylic acid through RAPD. Pakistan Journal of Botany.
· Farheen J*, Mansoor S., Abid M. (2021). Genotoxic appraisal of some widely used food pigments on onion (Allium cepa) root tips. Journal of Innovative Sciences 7(1): 174-181.  
· Mansoor S., Farheen J*, Hassan M. (2021). Protagonist action of plant growth regulators and
sublethal-temperature in inducing thermotolerance in green gram (Vigna radiata) seedlings. Journal of Innovative Sciences 7(1): 103-110. 
· Hani U., Mansoor S*, Hassan M., and Farheen J.  (2020). Genotoxicity of heavy metals on mungbean (Vigna radiata) seedlings and its alleviation by priming with their lower concentrations. Cytologia 85(3): 239–244.
· Farheen J*, Naqvi F.N. (2020). Assessment of high yielded local Pakistani bread wheat genotypes for improved chapati making quality. World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology 5(3): 1–8.

· Farheen J*, Mansoor S. (2020). Morpho-biochemical responses of Vigna radiata to salinity generated hydrogen peroxide stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany 52(4): 1131–1135.
· Farheen J*, Mansoor S. (2020). Anti-stress phytohormones impact on proteome profile of green
gram (Vigna radiata L.) under salt toxicity. World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology 5(2): 17–21.
· Farheen J*, Mansoor S. (2019). Cytogenetic impact of sodium chloride stress on root cells of Vigna radiata L. seedlings. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry 45(2): Article ID 20180352. https://doi.org/10.1515/tjb-2018-0352.
· Farheen J*, Mansoor S, Abideen Z. (2018). Exogenously applied salicylic acid improved growth, photosynthetic pigments and oxidative stability in mungbean seedlings (Vigna radiata) at salt stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany 50(3): 901–912.