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Holding a cooking party to welcome to the New Members in Our Group

On Sept. 14, 2014, students in our group (Lab of Biomimetic Self-assembly Interfaces and Nano-biomedical Materials) held a cooking party to welcome the exchange student Daniel from Spain and new members in our group. It is saying that cooking is just like doing research experiment. Students who did the great research were also good at cooking and they elaborately prepared their best dishes: braised pork ribs , spicy chicken, cumin lamb, and so on.

People who can’t cook were busy helping "chefs" to cut and deliver food, and they cooperated with each other and enjoyed it. Apart from those Chinese food, Daniel prepared spaghetti, which undoubtedly was a combination of Chinese and western culture of food. After the meal, all the people were divided into two parts and played the board game. The game had some western style duo to Daniel’s joining and it suddenly became the English corner. The “Killing werewolf” and “UNO” got more and more international. At the same time, new members who were a little bit shy in the beginning got more familiar with others.

This activity ended with a slogan of “Getting up early tomorrow morning and do the experiment ". Everybody got leisure and We will embrace the new day with full enthusiasm.