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闫文 光学工程专硕,海康威视工作     进组时间: 2018年9月    离组时间: 2021年6月


光学工程 专业硕士

中国计量大学 本硕,导师徐时清教授,联合指导



1Wen Yan, Gongxun Bai, Renguang Ye, Xiaolei Yang, Hangqing Xie, Shiqing Xu. Dual-mode luminescence tuning of Er3+ doped Zinc Sulfide piezoelectric microcrystals for multi-dimensional anti-counterfeiting and temperature sensing[J]. Optics Communications, 2020, 475: 126262.

2Wen Yan, Zewen Su, Renguang Ye, Liang Chen, Zhanling Lu, Gongxun Bai, Shiqing Xu. Creating dual-mode luminescence in piezoelectric calcium niobates through lanthanide-doped for anti-counterfeiting and temperature sensing[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 856: 158188.