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刘仁懿 医师,硕士     进组时间: 2019.7    离组时间: 2022.6




1.  Liu Renyi#&Pan Derun#, Xu Yuan, Zeng Hui, He Zilong, Lin Jiongbin, Zeng Weixiong, Wu Zeqi, Luo Zhendong, Qin Genggeng, Chen Weiguo. A deep learning–machine learning fusion approach for the classification of benign, malignant, and intermediate bone tumors, European Radiology, 2021.08 (中科院2区 IF: 7.034,共同第一作者 1/2 )

2.  Ma Mengwei#&Liu Renyi#, Wen Chanjuan, Xu Weimin, Xu Zeyuan, Wang Sina, Wu Jiefang, Pan Derun, Zheng Bowen, Qin Genggeng, Chen Weiguo. Predicting the molecular subtype of breast cancer and identifying interpretable imaging features using machine learning algorithm, European Radiology, 2021.08 (中科院2区, IF: 7.034,共同第一作者 2/2 )

3.  Pan Derun#&Liu Renyi#, Zheng Bowen, Yuan Jianxiang, Zeng Hui, He Zilong, Luo Zhendong, Qin Genggeng, Chen Weiguo. Using Machine Learning to Unravel the Value of Radiographic Features for the Classification of Bone Tumors, BioMed Research International, 2021.03 (中科院3区, IF: 3.411,共同第一作者 1/2 )

4.  曾凤霞,刘仁懿,陈卫国,汪思娜,曾辉,秦耿耿,临床、CT影像组学特征及融合模型预测肝细胞癌分化程度[J],中国医学影像技术,2021,37(07):1029-1033.

5.  马梦伟,秦耿耿,徐维敏,刘仁懿,文婵娟,曾辉,陈卫国,基于X线及超声乳腺影像报告和数据系统构建机器学习模型预测乳腺癌分子分型[J],中国医学影像技术,2020,36(12):1814-1819.

