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曾伟雄 博士研究生     进组时间: 2023.9




1. Zeng W#, Li W#, Huang K, Lin Z, Dai H, He Z, Liu R, Zeng Z, Qin G*, Chen W* and Wu Y*. Predicting Futile Recanalization, Malignant Cerebral Edema, and Cerebral Herniation using Intelligible Ensemble Machine Learning following Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022.13:982783.(共一1/2,IF=4.086,JCR分区:Q2,中科院分区:3区)

2. Zheng, S#, Zeng, W#, Xin, Q, Ye Y, Xue X, Li E, Liu T, Yan N, Chen W*, Yin H*. Can cognition help predict suicide risk in patients with major depressive disorder? A machine learning study. BMC Psychiatry. 2022.22:580.(共一2/2,IF=4.144,JCR分区:Q2,中科院分区:2区)

3. He Z#, Li Y#, Zeng W#, Xu W, Liu J, Ma X, Wei J, Zeng H, Xu Z, Wang S, Wen C, Wu J, Feng C, Ma M, Qin G*, Lu Y* and Chen W*. Can a computer-aided mass diagnosis model based on perceptive features learned from quantitative mammography radiology report improve junior radiologists’ diagnosis performance? An observer study. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021;11:773389.(共一3/3,IF=5.738,JCR分区:Q2,中科院分区:3区)


1. Zheng S#, Zeng W, Wu Q, Li W, He Z, Li E, Tang C, Xue X, Qin G, Zhang B*, Yin H*. Predictive Models for Suicide Attempts in Major Depressive Disorder and the Contribution of EPHX2: A Pilot Integrative Machine Learning Study. Depression and Anxiety, 2024.(第二,IF=7.4,1区)

2.  Liu R#, Pan D#, Xu Y, Zeng H, He Z, Lin J, Zeng W, Wu Z, Luo Z, Qin G* and Chen W*. A deep learning-machine learning fusion approach for the classification of benign, malignant, and intermediate bone tumors. European radiology. 2021.(第七,IF=7.034,2区)

3.  Li Y#, He Z#, Pan J#, Zeng W, Liu J, Zeng Z, Xu W, Xu Z, Wang S, Wen C, Zeng H, Wu J, Ma X, Chen W*, Lu Y*. Atypical architectural distortion detection in digital breast tomosynthesis: a computer-aided detection model with adaptive receptive field. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2023.(第四,IF=4.174,2区)

4. Li Y#, He Z#, Ma X, Zeng W, Liu J, Xu W, Xu Z, Wang S, Wen C, Zeng H, Wu J, Chen W*, Lu Y*. Architectural Distortion Detection Based on Superior–Inferior Directional Context and Anatomic Prior Knowledge in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis. Medical Physics. 2022: 3749–68. (第四,IF=4.506,3区)




1. 曾伟雄,秦耿耿,陈卫国,Predicting Futile Recanalization using Ensemble Machine Learning following Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke;中华医学会第二十九次全国放射学学术大会(CCR2022)

2. Zeng W, Pan D, Zeng F, Wu J, He Z, Chen W; Comparison of lesion conspicuity between wide-angle and narrow-angle Digital Breast Tomosynthesis in mastectomy specimens;EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF RADIOLOGY(ECR2024)

联系邮箱: zengwx1101@163.com