Yinlong Zhu Professor PhD Supervisor Group of Clean Energy Catalytic Materials and Devices
Professor Yinlong Zhu is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the International Institute for Frontier Science Research at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). He is also an elected high-level overseas young talent (Overseas Young Talent Program) of China, a Jiangsu Distinguished Professor, and an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellow. Additionally, he is a “Chang Kong Talent” at NUAA. Professor Zhu received his Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry and Engineering from Nanjing University of Technology (2012-2017). He then completed his postdoctoral research and worked as a project researcher at Monash University, Australia (2018-2021). In 2022, he returned to China and joined the Frontier Institute at NUAA, where he established the "Clean Energy Catalytic Materials and Devices" Laboratory. His research focuses on new energy materials and devices, including fuel cells, metal-air batteries, electrocatalysis, and electrochemical synthesis. Professor Zhu has published over 90 SCI papers, including more than 50 as first or corresponding author in journals such as Chem. Soc. Rev. (1), Nat. Commun. (4), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1), Adv. Mater. (2), Angew. Chem. (2), Energy Environ. Sci. (2), Nano Lett. (1), Matter (1), and Adv. Energy/Funct. Mater. (7). His work has been cited more than 9,600 times, with an h-index of 49. He has had 18 papers selected as ESI Highly Cited Papers. As a principal investigator, he has led several projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, including the Overseas Young Talent Program, General Program, and Youth Program, as well as ARC’s Excellent Young Researcher Fund and Discovery Projects. Professor Zhu has received numerous prestigious awards, including the International Advanced Materials Association Young Scientist Award, the Chem. Commun. New Innovator Award, the Ind. Chem. Mater. Young Innovator Award, the ARC Early Career Researcher Award, recognition as a Highly Cited Author by the Royal Society of Chemistry, and ranking among the top 2% of global scientists.
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Clean Energy Catalytic Materials and Devices (Perovskite Functional Materials, Photoelectrocatalysis, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies, Energy Storage and Conversion Devices, Aerospace Power Generation ......)