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Our paper on laser melting modes has been published in Reviews of Modern Physics. Congratulations to Bo Shi, Shuailei Chen and the coauthors!

Glad to share our paper on laser melting modes in metal additive manufacturing. It has been published by Reviews of Modern Physics. We summarized the historical evolution of laser melting mode definitions and proposed the concept of stable-keyhole additive manufacturing. I would like to thank my colleagues and friends for the fantastic collaboration, including Bo Shi, Shuailei Chen, Dong Du, Tao Sun, Brian Simonds, Kamel Fezzaa, and Anthony D. Rollett!

Citation: Cang Zhao, Bo Shi, Shuailei Chen, Dong Du, Tao Sun, Brian J. Simonds, Kamel Fezzaa, and Anthony D. Rollett, Laser melting modes in metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Reviews of Modern Physics 94, 045002 (2022). https://journals.aps.org/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.94.045002