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The research group won the first prize in the fifth national college students renewable energy technology competition.

  Recently, the fifth China Renewable Energy Society College Students ' Excellent Scientific and Technological Works Competition came to an end. 

  After the network review, on-site expert committee defense and other links, the student work ' A Purification Leaves Based on Photothermal Synergistic Catalytic Effect ' directed by Professor Bendong Yu  's team of HVAC Department of Urban Construction College ( participating students : Tao Gu , Yulin Li , Xuhui Cao , Lei Che  ; instructor : Bendong Yu , Niansi Li  ) won the first prize of science and technology works track-graduate group. This is the first time that our school has been shortlisted for the final and won the first prize of the postgraduate group. 

  Since 2018, China Renewable Energy Society has successfully held four national extracurricular scientific and technological competitions for college students. The main content of the competition involves renewable energy sources such as solar energy, biomass energy, and hydrogen energy. The works include physical production ( including models ), software, design, and social practice research results. The main purpose of the competition is to improve the innovative and practical ability of college students, spread the concept of green development, and help the transformation of low-carbon energy and the construction of beautiful China. 

  The fifth competition was launched in October 2022. A total of 1,499 valid works declared by 183 universities were received, and 80 works were initially evaluated and finally participated in the final defense. Finally, 34 pieces of scientific and technological works were recommended to enter the finals. After the on-site model display and the comprehensive evaluation of the defense committee, the postgraduate track finally won 3 special prizes and 23 first prizes. There are 39 second prizes and 81 third prizes.