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杨楚罗 教授    


教育及工作经历 1994-1997  武汉大学化学系博士 2000-2002  美国新奥尔良大学、美国罗切斯特大学博士后 2003-2016  武汉大学教授、湖北省有机高分子光电功能材料重点实验室主任 2017-至今  深圳大学教授 荣誉和奖励 国家杰出青年基金获得者(2011) 全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师(2013) 两次获湖北省自然科学奖一等奖(2008、2015)


OLED关键材料与器件 有机发光二极管(OLED)是继显像管、液晶后的第三代平板显示技术。具有结构简单、响应速度快,柔性等优势,已成为最具前景的平板显示和照明技术。 在基础科学方面,强调有机发光体系的激发态调控前沿科学问题,发展激发态调控(包括发光效率、三线态-单线态转换、辐射与非辐射过程)的新方法,建立结构(化学、聚集态)与OLED综合性能的关系,发展出更多提升我国学术影响力的新机制。在应用方面,强调廉价、高效、自主产权新一代OLED 材料,发展纯有机高性能材料体系,获得若干具有实用化前景的高效材料,突破行业壁垒,实现核心材料国产化替代与创新。


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Face-to-face orientation of quasiplanar donor and acceptor enables highly efficient intramolecular exciplex fluorescence C. Wu, W. Q. Liu, K. Li*, G. Cheng, J. Xiong, T. Teng, C. Che, C. Yang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60(8), 3994-3998. Saccharin-derived multifunctional emitters featuring concurrently room temperature phosphorescence, thermally activated delayed fluorescence and aggregation-induced enhanced emission Z. Xiao,1 N. Li,1 W. Yang, Z. Huang*, X. Cao, T. Huang, Z. Chen, C. Yang*, Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 419,129628. Heavy-atom effect promotes multi-resonance thermally activated delayed fluorescence T. Hua,1 L. Zhan,1 N. Li, Z. Huang,* X. Cao, Z. Xiao, S. Gong,* C. Zhou, C. Zhong, C. Yang*, Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 426.131169. Confining electron donor and acceptor in space to realize high efficiency charge-transfer luminescence C. Yang*, Sci. China Chem. 2021, 64(2), 165-166. Triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion with reversible emission-tunability induced by chemical-stimuli: a remote modulator for photocontrol isomerization Y. Wei, H. Xian, X. Lv, F. Ni, X. Cao*, C. Yang*,  Mater. Horiz. 2021, 8(2), 606-611. Multi-resonance organoboron-based fluorescent probe for ultra-sensitive, selective and reversible detection of fluoride ions Y. Qi, X. Cao, Y. Zou*, C. Yang*,  J. Mater. Chem. C 2021, 9(5), 1567-1571. Highly efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters enabled by double charge transfer pathways via ortho-linked triarylboron/carbazole hybrids M. Ouyang, L. Xing, Q. Chen, H. Huang, M. Zhu, K. Hu, Y. Liu*, W. Chen*, Y. Huo, C. Yang*,  J. Mater. Chem. C 2021, 9, 1678-1684. Unfused Electronic Acceptor Based Polymers as Interfacial Material for Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells J.Jia, F. Wu, L. Zhu*, C. Yang*, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2021, 13, 33328-33334. Integrating molecular rigidity and chirality into thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters for highly efficient sky-blue and orange circularly polarized electroluminescence F. Ni, C. Huang, Y. Tang, Z. Chen, Y. Wu, S. Xia, X. Cao, J. Hsu, W. Lee, K. Zheng, Z. Huang, C. Wu*, C. Yang*. Mater. Horiz. 2021, 8, 547-555. Benzo c 1,2,5 thiadiazole-fused pentacyclic small molecule acceptors for organic solar cells R. Ming, J. Gao, W. Gao, W. Ning, Z. Luo, F. Zhang*, C. Yang*, Dyes Pigm. 2021,185, 108970. Modulating the electron-donating ability of acridine donor units for orange-red thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters T. Chen, C. Lu, Z. Chen, X. Gong, C. Wu*, C. Yang*, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27(9), 3151-3158. Three types of charged-ligand-based blue-green to near-infrared emitting iridium complexes: synthesis, structures, and organic light-emitting diode application C. Shi*, H. Huang, Q. Li, J. Yao, C. Wu, Y. Cao, F. Sun, D. Ma*, H. Yan*, C. Yang*, A. Yuan*,  Adv. Opt. Mater. 2021, 2002060. A plastic scintillator based on an efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter 9-(4-(4,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-2-methylphenyl)-3,6-dioctyl-9h-ca rbazole for pulse shape discrimination measurement T. Chen, H. Yu, X. Wen, C. Redding, T. Hajagos, H. Zhao, J. Hayward*, C. Yang*, Q. Pei*, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2021, 2001975. Rational design of perfectly oriented thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter for efficient red electroluminescence X. Zeng, Y. Huang, S. Gong*, X. Yin, W. Lee, X. Xiao, Y. Zhang, W. Zeng, C. Lu, C. Lee, X. Dong, C. Zhong, C. Wu*, C. Yang*, Sci. China Mater. 2021, 64, 920-930. Diverse emission properties of transition metal complexes beyond exclusive single phosphorescence and their wide applications K. Li*, Y. Chen, J. Wang, C. Yang*,  Coordin. Chem. Rev. 2021, 433, 213755. De novo design of polymers embedded with platinum acetylides towards n-type organic thermoelectrics X. Yin, T. Wan, X. Deng, Y. Xie, C. Gao, C. Zhong, Z. Xu, C. Pan, G. Chen, W.-Y. Wong, C. Yang*, L. Wang,  Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 405, 126692. Ternary organic solar cells with PCEs of up to 16.6% by two complementary acceptors working in alloy-like model M. Guo, H. Chen, Z. Luo, Y. Zhu, F. He*, C. Yang*, Org. Electron. 2021, 91, 106085. Novel tetracoordinated organoboron emitters for thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes T. Huang, Z. Chen, Y. Zou*, S. Gong, C. Yang*, Dyes Pigm. 2021, 188, 109192. Highly efficient blue TADF emitters incorporating bulky acridine moieties and their application in solution-processed OLEDs Q. Chen, Y. Xiang, X. Yin, K. Hu, Y. Li, X. Cheng, Y. Liu*, G. Xie*, C. Yang*, Dyes Pigm. 2021, 188, 109157. Multicolor ultralong room-temperature phosphorescence from pure organic emitters by structural isomerism K. Zheng, X. Yang, F. Ni, Z. Chen, C. Zhong, C. Yang*, Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 408, 127309.