PhD Organic Chemistry, Sichuan University China. (09/2015 – 06/2019)
Thesis Title: Selective and Enantioselective Discrimination of Amino Acids by Using BINOL Aldehyde Based Fluorescence Sensors.
MSc Organic Chemistry, Stockholm University Sweden. (09/2010 – 12/2012)
Thesis Title: Synthesis and structural studies of biologically important branched tri-saccharides.
1) Iqbal, S.; Yu, S.; Zhao, F.; Wang, Y.; Tian, J.; Jiang, L.; Du, Y.; Yu, X.; Pu, L., Discriminating three biothiols by using one fluorescent probe. Tetrahedron Lett. 2018, 59 (37), 3397-3400. (IF = 2.12)
2) Iqbal, S.; Yu, S.; Jiang, L.; Wang, X.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yu, X.; Pu, L., Simultaneous determination of concentration and enantiomeric composition of amino acids in aqueous solution by using a tetrabromobinaphtyl dialdehyde probe, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 10.1002/chem.201901374. (IF = 5.16)