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李慧 副教授,硕士生导师    





主要从事热电复合材料的制备及性能研究,目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,湖北省自然科学基金1项,武汉工程大学研究基金1项,主讲本科生有机光电与新能源材料前沿课程,以第一作者在Journal of Materials Chemistry C,Carbon,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering等国际著名SCI期刊上发表论文10篇。


1. Hui Li, Yuhui Zhao, Siqi Liu, Pengcheng Li*, Du Yuan, Chaobin He*, Hierarchical porous carbon monolith derived from lignin for high areal capacitance supercapacitors, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2020, 297, 109960. (IF: 4.182)

2. Hui Li, Du Yuan, Pengcheng Li*, Chaobin He*,High conductive and mechanical robust carbon nanotubes/waterborne polyurethane composite films for efficient electromagnetic interference shielding, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019, 121, 411-417.(IF: 6.282)

3. Hui Li, Yuan Liang, Siqi Liu, Fen Qiao, Pengcheng Li*, Chaobin He*Modulating carrier transport for the enhanced thermoelectric performance of carbon nanotubes/ polyaniline compositesOrganic Electronics, 2019, 69, 62-68.(IF: 3.495)

4. Hui Li, Siqi Liu, Pengcheng Li, Du Yuan, Xin Zhou, Jiaotong Sun, Xuehong Lu, Chaobin He*, Interfacial control and carrier tuning of carbon nanotube/polyaniline composites for high thermoelectric performance, Carbon, 2018, 136, 292-298.(IF: 7.466)

5. Hui Li, Xuehong Lu, Du Yuan, Jiaotong Sun, Fuat Erden, Fuke Wang, Chaobin He*, Lightweight flexible carbon nanotube/polyaniline composites with outstanding EMI shielding properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017,5, 8694-8698. (IF: 6.641)

6. Hui Li, Jiaotong Sun, Cun Wang, Songlin Liu, Du Yuan, Xin Zhou, Jozel Tan, Ludger Paul Stubbs, Chaobin He*, High modulus, strength, and toughness polyurethane elastomer based on unmodified lignin, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5 (9), 7942-7949.(IF: 6.97)

7. Hui Li, Du Yuan, Chunhua Tang, Suxi Wang, Jiaotong Sun, Chaobin He*, Lignin-derived interconnected hierarchical porous carbon monolith with large areal/volumetric capacitances for supercapacitor, Carbon, 2016, 100, 151-157. (IF: 7.466)