As the Guest Editor of the Special Issue " Enzymes in Food Bioprocessing - Novel Food Enzymes, Applications, and Related Techniques" in Foods (ISSN 2304-8158, (IF 5.561, JCR Q1, CAS Q2,中科院二区), I would like to invite you to contribute an article or review paper focuses on the recent studies on the application of novel enzymes and related technologies in the food industry. In this Special issue, original research articles and reviews are welcome. Research areas may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Novel food enzymes and their application in food processing.
- Advanced tools and technologies in enzymatic food processing.
- Enzymatic catalysis and reaction kinetics of food enzymes.
- Rational, evolutionary and microenvironment engineering of food enzymes.
- Techniques and technologies for food enzyme immobilization.
- Innovative strategies for food enzyme reuse and recycling.
- Techniques and strategies for new applications of food enzymes.
Please click the following link to access the special issue website:
*Guest Eidtor*: Prof. Dr. Xianghui Qi
*Submission deadline*: Deadline for manuscript submissions: 10 November 2023.
Benefits of publishing with Foods:
1. Open access. Open access (unlimited and free access to readers) increases publicity and promotes more frequent citations, as indicated by several studies.
2. High visibility and impact. Foods is indexed by the leading indexing services, like SCIE, PubMed, and Scopus, and has an Impact Factor of 4.350.
3. Rapid publication times combined with thorough peer review. The average whole processing period from submission to publication is about 35 days.
An Article Processing Charge (APC) of 2200 CHF currently applies to all accepted papers. As the invited papers you may have the chance to enjoy the *10-30% discount*, even higher. If this is of interest, you are welcome to send a tentative title to the Section Managing Editor Ms. Crystal Qu ( for checking the suitability and confirming the final discount. I believe your contribution will be highly appreciated by our readers.
In the hope that this invitation receives your favorable consideration, we look forward to our collaboration.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Xianghui Qi
Guest Editor of Foods