当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  Xinheng Li published a paper in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society titled "Enhancing energy storage density of BNT-ST-based ceramics by a stepwise optimization strategy on the breakdown strength"
Xinheng Li published a paper in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society titled "Enhancing energy storage density of BNT-ST-based ceramics by a stepwise optimization strategy on the breakdown strength"

 BNT-ST-based ceramics have been widely studied due to their excellent energy storage performance, such as large spontaneous polarization, high energy efficiency, and good relaxation performance. However, the breakdown strength of BNT-ST based ceramics is relatively low, which seriously restricts the improvement of their energy density. In order to enhance the breakdown strength of BNT-ST-based ceramics, a two-stage sintering combined with chemical coating SiO2 stepwise optimization strategy is introduced. Two stage sintering can effectively suppress grain boundary migration and provide sufficient energy for grain boundary diffusion, achieving ceramic densification while suppressing grain growth. The combination of two-stage sintering and chemical coating of SiO2 not only effectively inhibits grain growth, but also forms a layer of SiO2 with high breakdown potential barriers at the ceramic grain boundaries, significantly enhancing the breakdown strength and energy density of BNT-ST-based ceramics. The relevant research findings were published in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society (JCR Q1) titled "Enhancing energy storage density of BNT-ST-based ceramics by a stepwise optimization strategy on the breakdown strength".




Fig. 1. Strategy diagram for achieving excellent energy storage properties via a stepwise optimization strategy combining two-step sintering and chemical coating



Fig. 2. (a) and (b) HR-TEM images of BNT-ST @ Si-TSS powder; (c) TEM images of BNT-ST @ Si-TSS ceramic; (d) EDS line profiles of Si, Bi, Sr and Ti along line AB in (c).



Fig. 3. (a) Unipolar P-E loops of all ceramic samples at room temperature and 10 Hz under 100 kV/cm; (b) unipolar P-E loops of all ceramic samples at different electric fields with room temperature and 10 Hz; (c) maximum Wdis and Eb of all ceramic samples at different electric fields with room temperature and 10 Hz measured up to Eb; (d) Wdis and Eb values relative to different samples.


Fig. 4. (a) Unipolar P-E loops of BNT-ST @ Si-TSS ceramic measured at 120 kV/cm after various cycles. (b) Wdis and η values versus cycles. (c) Unipolar P-E loops of BNT-ST @ Si -TSS ceramic measured at 120 kV/cm over the temperature range from 30 to 140 ℃. (d) Wdis and η values versus temperature.


Authors: Xinheng Li1Chaoqiong Zhu1,*Shiheng LiAoyu LiLanqing LiangZiming Cai*Peizhong Feng

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0955221924003297

DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.04.023