当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  Congratulations to Mr. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev of Misis State University of Science and Technology for his article“Effect of nitrogen on the structure and properties of Zr-Si-B-N coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering”published in Surface & Coatings Technology !
Congratulations to Mr. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev of Misis State University of Science and Technology for his article“Effect of nitrogen on the structure and properties of Zr-Si-B-N coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering”published in Surface & Coatings Technology !

ZrB2-based coatings are characterized by high hardness (2336 GPa), relatively high friction coefficient (0.9), wear rate (8 × 10-6 mm3 N-1 m-1), and corrosion current density in seawater (0.24 μA/cm2 ). Dopants are added to the composition of ZrB2-based coatings to improve their operating characteristics. The mechanical and tribological characteristics of ZrB2-based coatings can be enhanced by modifying their structure upon deposition in nitrogen-containing environments. In our previous work demonstrated that doping ZrB2-based coatings with nitrogen reduces the grain size and leads to formation of the nc-ZrB2/a-BN nanocomposite structure, decreases the friction coefficient twofold, and increases wear and corrosion resistance by a factor of 8 and 3.5, respectively. X-ray amorphous and optically transparent Zr-B-N coatings are formed at nitrogen contents of >30 at.%. Nitrogen was found to have a prominent effect on the Zr-B-O-N and Zr-B-C-N coatings. The Zr-B-C-N coatings with the optimal nitrogen concentration of 20 at.% were characterized by the maximal hardness of 36 GPa and the Young's modulus of 317 GPa due to formation of a nanocomposite structure consisting of 2 nm ZrN and/or Zr(B,N) crystallites separated by amorphous intergrain layers.

Non-reactive Zr-Mo-Si-B coatings were earlier fabricated by magnetron sputtering. The nc-ZrB2/a-MoSi2 coatings (nc-nanocrystallites, the a-amorphous phase) were characterized by hardness of 36 GPa, elastic recovery of 84 %, and excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance at 1200, which was ensured by formation of a protective (SiO2 + ZrO2)/SiO2 oxide layer . In order to understand the mechanisms through which silicides affect the properties of multicomponent Zr-(Mo)-Si-B coatings, the simpler Zr-Si-B system needs to be studied. This study aimed to investigate the structure, the optical, mechanical, and tribological properties, as well as high-temperature oxidation resistance of Zr-Si-B-(N) coatings fabricated by magnetron sputtering in various environments with different nitrogen contents.

The relevant research results are titled Effect of nitrogen on the structure and properties of Zr-Si-B-N coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering is published in Surface & Coatings Technology (JCR Q1, IF= 5.4).






Title: Oxygen blocking enhancement of HfB2-SiC coating using HfB2-HfSi2 alloyed composite powders by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis


Author: Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.D. Sytchenk, Peizhong Feng


Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0257897223008174


DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130042


If you want to get the PDF version, please contact the Email: kiruhancev-korneev@yandex.ru