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陈德奇 博士 副教授 博士生导师     进组时间: 2004.09    离组时间: 2010.12

Email: chendeqi@cqu.edu.cn;  deqichencqu@foxmail.com      

       2004年本科毕业于重庆大学,获学士学位;2010年博士毕业于重庆大学,获博士学位;并受聘为重庆大学教师。在教学方面,承担的主要课程有《核反应堆热工水力学》、 《高等反应堆工程》、 《核反应堆热工水力综合实验》。在科研方面,主要从事核反应堆热工水力及安全方面的实验和理论研究和动力工程及工程热物理领域相关问题研究;包括堆内复杂流场下的流动及传热特性研究、两相流动稳定性研究、沸腾相变机理研究、核反应堆燃料组件热工水力性能研究、事故工况下堆内瞬态热工水力特性研究等等。


        1. 核反应堆热工水力及安全
        2. 动力工程及工程热物理:


        Lian Hu, Deqi Chen*, Yanping Huang, Xiang Li, Dewen Yuan, Yanling Wang. JFNK method 

[1]   with a physics-based preconditioner for the fully implicit solution of one-dimensional drift-flux model in boiling two-phase flow [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. Jan. 2017: 610-622. 
[2]   Qi Lu, Deqi Chen*, Chong Li, Xueqiang He. Experimental investigation on flow boiling heat transfer in conventional and mini vertical channels [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Apr. 2017 (107): 225-243. 
[3]   De-wen Yuan, Zejun Xiao, Deqi Chen*, Yunke Zhong, Xiao Yan, Jianjun Xu, and Yanping Huang. Numerical investigation on bubble growth and sliding process of subcooled flow boiling in narrow rectangular channel [J]. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Jul. 2016: 1-12. 
[4]   Deqi Chen*, Yi Xiao, Shijie Xie, Dewen Yuan, Xuemei Lang, Zile Yang,Yunke Zhong , Qi Lu.  Thermal-hydraulic performance of a 5×5 rod bundle with spacer grid in a nuclear reactor  [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. May, 2016: 1416-1426. 
[5]    Xiang Zhang, Teng Hu, Deqi Chen *, Yunke Zhong, Hong Gao. CFD Simulation on Critical Heat Flux of Flow Boiling in IVR-ERVC of a Nuclear Reactor [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design. May, 2016: 70-79. 
[6]   Deqi Chen*, Zile Yang, Yuke Zhong, Yi Xiao, Lian Hu. Numerical investigation on the characteristics of two-phase flow in fuel assemblies with spacer grid. KERNTECHNIK. Mar., 2016, 81 (3): 1–10.  

[7]    Qi Lu, Deqi Chen*, Chong Li.  Visual investigation on the breakup of high superheated molten metal during FCI process [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. Apr., 2016, 98: 962–975. 
[8]    Lian Hu, Deqi Chen*, Yanping Huang, Le Li, Yiding Cao, Dewen Yuan, Junfeng Wang, Liangming Pan. Investigation on the performance of the supercritical Brayton cycle with CO2-based binary mixture as working fluid for an energy transportation system of a nuclear reactor [J]. Energy, Jul, 2015, 89: 874-886.
[9]    Qi Lu, Deqi Chen*, Qinghua Wang. Visual Investigation on the Interface Morphology of Taylor Bubble and the Characteristics of Two-Phase Flow in Mini-Channel [J], Chemical Engineering Science, Sep 2015, 134 (29): 96-107.
[10]    Lian Hu, Deqi Chen*, Yanping Huang, Dewen Yuan, Yanling Wang , Liangming Pan., Numerical Investigation of the Mechanism of Two-Phase Flow Instability in Parallel Narrow Channels [J], Nuclear Engineering and Design, Jun, 2015, 287: 78-89. 

[11]    Lian Hu, Deqi Chen*, Shiqiu Gao, Yiding Cao. Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Analyses of a S-CO2 Brayton Cycle as the Heat Transport System of a Nuclear Reactor [J], Heat Transfer Research, Aug., 2016, 47(9): 1–19. 
[12]    Deqi Chen*, Xudong Ye, Yiding Cao. Full-Cycle Simulation of Diesel Engine Performance with the Effect of Heat Transfer to the Environment, Heat Transfer Research, 2016, 47(1):1-17 . 
[13]    De-Qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan, Song Ren. Prediction of Bubble Detachment Diameter in Flow Boiling Based on Force Analysis [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Feb. 2012, 243: 263-271. 
[14]    Chen De-qi, Pan Liang-ming, Yuan De-wen, Zhang Hui, Xu Jian-hui,  Huang  Yan-ping.  The nature of bubble growth under different system pressure in a narrow channel [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Mar. 2011, 241: 785–791. 
[15]   De-qi Chen, Liang-ming Pan, De-wen Yuan, Xiao-jun Wang. Dual Model of Bubble Growth in Vertical Rectangular Narrow Channel [J].  International communications in heat and mass transfer, Jul. 2010, 37 (8):1004–1007.