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曾祥花 讲师    



(1) 2022-07今,青岛科技大学,化学与分子工程学院,讲师

(2) 2018-092022-06, 中国海洋大学, 海洋化学工程与技术, 博士
(3) 2015-092018-06, 太原理工大学, 凝聚态物理, 硕士
(4)  2011-09  2015-06, 烟台大学, 高分子材料与科学, 学士




(1) Xianghua Zeng; Wenen Jiang; Xiaohui Jiang; Geoffrey I.N. Waterhouse; Zhiming Zhang;Liangmin Yu ; Stable Pb2+ ion-selective electrodes based on polyaniline-TiO2 solid contacts, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1094: 26-23

(2) Xianghua Zeng; Yanhua Liu; Xiaohui Jiang; Geoffrey I.N. Waterhouse; Zhiming Zhang;Liangmin Yu ; Improving the stability of Pb2+ ion-selective electrodes by using 3D polyaniline nanowire arrays as the inner solid-contact transducer, Electrochimica Acta, 2021, 384:138414

(3) Xianghua Zeng; Wenwen Jiang; Geoffrey I.N. Waterhouse; Xiaohui Jiang; Zhiming Zhang;Liangmin Yu ; Stable Pb(II) ion-selective electrodes with a low detection limit using silver nanoparticles/polyaniline as the solid contact, Microchim Acta, 2021, 188: 393
(4) Xianghua Zeng; Yanhua Liu; Geoffrey I.N.; Xiaohui Jiang; Zhiming Zhang; Liangmin Yu ;Porous three-dimensional poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/K3Fe(CN)6 network as the solid contact layer in high stability Pb2+ ion-selective electrodes, Microchemical Journal, 2022, 177:107279

(5) Shuju Zhao,Yuxi Zhang, Zhenying Xu,Hao Wang,Liang Xu,Yumin Wu, Xianghua Zeng **, Xiliang Luo*,A low-fouling electrochemical biosensor for biomarker detection in serum based on designed α/β-peptides with anti-enzymolysis and antifouling capabilities, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023,1263, 341244