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罗洁获得第三届环境修复与健康青年学者论坛优秀报告奖Jie Luo' got outstanding presentation award at the 3rd ER&H Youth Forum


The third Environmental Remediation and Health Youth Forum was held June 4-5 in Jinan. About 100 scientists from organizations like Zhejiang U., Nanjing, U., Shanghai JT U., U. Chinese Academy of Sciences attended the forums. Miss Jie Luo, a graduate student of this grouped presented her work, entitled "Bioaccessibility and health risk of particulate matters in a lead smelting area". This presentation is about the PTM concentration, heal risk and source in particulate matters of a city affected by lead smelting. Jie told a vivid and interesting story with her excellent PPT, clear narration. Her presention was praised by audience inluding Professor's Lena Q. Ma. At the last section of the conference, Jie was chosen as the outstanding presentation winner.