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罗中莱 教授 硕士生导师    

罗中莱  男,博士,教授,硕士生导师



主要研究方向为进化生物学、基因组学、植物形态学及繁殖生物学,专注于基因组的结构与调控,植物繁育系统进化,以及植物器官结构和功能的适应性机理等领域。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、国际科学基金项目1项、市级科技计划项目1项,中国科学院院级项目1项。已在Functional EcologyJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyJournal of Systematics and Evolution等领域前沿SCI刊物发表学术论文十余篇,参与编写专著(《中国药用植物志》)1部。目前担任山东理工大学生命与医药学院教授,硕士研究生导师;国家自然科学基金评审专家;Journal of Systematics and EvolutionScientific Reports、植物生态学报、热带亚热带植物学报、植物科学学报等专业学术刊物审稿人。




2Initial Funding for Doctoral Research from Shandong University of Technology (Grant No. 422047) ,在研。




6)国际科学基金(IFS)项目:Conservation biology of the highly endangered wild litchi (Litchi chinensis) based on reproductive and population genetics studiesAD/224762012-2014




(1) Zhonglai Luo*, Zhongtao Zhao, Yuanqing Xu,Miaomiao Shi, Tieyao Tu, Nancai PeiDianxiang Zhang. 2023. Comprehensive transcriptomic profiling reveals complex molecular mechanisms in the regulation of style-length dimorphism in Guettarda speciosa (Rubiaceae), a species with “anomalous” distyly. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1116078. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1116078

(2) Yuanqing Xu; Zhonglai Luo*; Jia Wang; Nancai Pei; Dianxiang Zhang. 2021. Secondary pollen presentation: More than to increase pollen transfer precision. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 5: 1027-1036.

(3) Zhongtao Zhao, Zhonglai Luo*, Shuai Yuan, Lina Mei, Dianxiang Zhang*. 2019.  Global transcriptome and gene co-expression network analyses on the development of distyly in Primula oreodoxa. Heredity, 123: 784-794.

(4) Yuanqing Xu, Zhonglai Luo*, Shaoxiong Gao, Dianxiang Zhang*. 2018. Pollination niche availability facilitates colonization of Guettarda speciosa. Scientific Reports, 8:13765.

(5) Zhonglai Luo, Jin Hu, Zhongtao Zhao, Dianxiang Zhang. 2016. Transcriptomic analysis of heteromorphic stamens in vCassia biscapsularis L. Scientific Reports, 6: 31600.

(6) Zhonglai Luo, Tingting Duan, Shuai Yuan, Shi Chen, Xiufeng Bai, Dianxiang Zhang. 2015. Reproductive isolation between sympatric sister species, Mussaenda kwangtungensis and M. pubescens var. alba. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57(10): 859–870.

(7) Shuai Yuan, Shi Chen, Xiaofang Deng, Tingting Duan, Zhonglai Luo*, Dianxiang Zhang. 2017. Pollen-ovule ratios are strongly correlated with floral reciprocity in addition to sexual system in Mussaenda (Rubiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany, 35(4). doi: 10.1111/njb.01479.

(8) Zhonglai Luo, Shi Chen, Dianxiang Zhang. 2012. Floral reward presentation favored the expression of male function in the pollen-only flower Melastoma malabathricum. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55(6): 488-495.

(9) Zhonglai Luo, Lei Gu, Dianxiang Zhang. 2009. Intrafloral Differentiation of stamens in heterantherous flowers. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47 (1): 43-56.

(10) Zhonglai Luo, Dianxiang Zhang, Susanne S. Renner. 2008. Why two kinds of stamens in buzz-pollinated flowers? Experimental support for Darwin’s division-of-labor hypothesis. Functional Ecology, 22: 794-800.

(11) Shi Chen, Zhonglai Luo, Dianxiang Zhang. 2014. Pre- and post-zygotic reproductive isolation between co-occurring Mussaenda pubescens var. alba and M. shikokiana (Rubiaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 56(4): 411-419.

(12) Shi Chen, Zhonglai Luo, Dianxiang Zhang. 2013. Self-pollination in buds and homostyly in Mussaenda shikokiana (Rubiaceae), a monomorphic species in a distylous clade. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51(6): 731-742.

(13) Peiwu Xie, Zhonglai Luo, Dianxiang Zhang. 2012. Syrphid fly pollination of Guihaiothamnus acaulis (Rubiaceae), a species with “butterfly” flowers. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51(1): 86-93.

(14) Yan Liu, Zhonglai Luo, Xiaoqin Wu, Xiufeng Bai, Dianxiang Zhang. 2012. Functional dioecy in Morinda parvifolia (Rubiaceae), a species with stigma-height dimorphism. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 298(4): 775-785.

(15) 国家重大出版工程项目、“十二五”国家重点图书《中国药用植物志》(艾铁民主编)第七卷·野牡丹科(分类学部分),北京大学医学出版社, 2018。

(16) 国家发明专利:一种高效、高清晰度的观察植物花粉管在雌蕊内生长情况的荧光显微方法。专利号:ZL201811447534.3