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1、Ying Zeng1, Jian Hu1, Jiaofeng Yang, Pei Tang, Qingfeng Fu, Wang Zhou, Yufan Peng, Peitao Xiao, Shi Chen, Kunkun Guo, Peng Gao*, Hongliang Dong*, Jilei Liu*, Mechanistic insights into the pseudocapacitive performance of bronze-type vanadium dioxide with multivalent cations intercalation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 10439-10451.
2、Peng Gao, Ying Zeng, Pei Tang, Zixing Wang, Jiaofeng Yang, Aiping Hu*, Jilei Liu*, Understanding the Synergistic Effects and Structural Evolution of Co(OH)2 and Co3O4 toward Boosting Electrochemical Charge Storage. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 32(6), 2108644.