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李蓉 硕士     进组时间: 2015.09    离组时间: 2019.06

2011.09-2015.06    临沂大学 本科    本科

2015.09-2019.06    江苏师范大学     硕士





Liming Sun 1, Rong Li1, Wenwen Zhan , Yusheng Yuan, Xiaojun Wang , Xiguang Han&Yanli Zhao,Double-shelled hollow rods assembled from nitrogen/sulfur-codoped carbon coated indium oxide nanoparticles as excellent photocatalysts,Nature Communications,2019,1-10

Rong Li , Liming Sun, Wenwen Zhan, Yan-An Li, Xiaojun Wang , Xiguang Han* , Engineering an effective noble-metal- free photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution: hollow hexagonal porous micro-rods assembled from In2O3@carbon core–shell nanoparticles,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018,6,15747-15754

Liming Sun1, Rong Li1, Wenwen Zhan, Fan Wang, Yuan Zhuang, Xiaojun Wang, and Xiguang Han*Rationally Designed Double-Shell Dodecahedral Microreactors with Efficient Photoelectron Transfer: N-Doped-C-Encapsulated Ultrafine In2O3 Nanoparticles,Chemistry-A European Journal, 2019, 25, 3053

Mengqin Cai  1, Rong Li  1, Fan Wang  1, Xia Guo , Qiang Bai , Liming Sun, Xiguang Han*,rchitecture of designed hollow indium oxide microspheres assembled by porous nanosheets with high gas sensing capacity,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017,729,222-230