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博士后招聘 (Postdoc Recruitment)

上海交通大学快速算法与高性能计算研究团队致力于计算物理、计算化学和大数据科学等领域的快速算法研究。团队研究课题受到国家自然科学基金、上海科委、中科院先导专项和其他专项经费支持。因科研工作需要,公开招聘 2- 3 名博士后研究人员,从事目标检测和追踪、分子动力学和 A I 药物设计等方面的快速算法研究 和软件研发。


近期获得 国内外知名高校和科研机构 数学、物理 、计算机科学 或 电子工程 等相关方向博士学位。具有 计算数学、计算物理、信号处理、分子模拟或并行计算等领域的研究经历。有较强的科研潜力、英文 水平和团队协作能力。


  1. 享受上海交通大学规定的落户等福利政策;

  2. 协助申报上海市超博、国家博士后基金、国家自然基金青年项目等研究基金;

  3. 优秀申请人推荐申报数学科学学院吴文俊助理教授;

  4. 提供30万人民币以上的年薪和研究经费支持,入选上海市超博等项目薪酬另议。首聘期两年可根据考核情况续聘 。


从事相关方向的科研工作、 指导研究生等。



English Version:

There are 2-3 postdoc positions available at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in thefollowing fields:

  1. Molecular Dynamics Simulations;

  2. AI Algorithms for Drug Design;

  3. Target Detection and Tracking;

  4. Machine Learning/Deep Learning;

  5. Fast Algorithms and High Performance Computing;

  6. Software Development.


The ideal candidates should have research experiences in computationalmathematics, computational physics, molecular dynamics simulations, and parallelcomputing, have the potential for excellence in research, and hold a Ph. D. degreein either Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences or ElectricEngineering.


  1. Standard benefits provided by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, e.g., Hukou andhealth care.

  2. Assistance on applications of Shanghai Excellent Postdocs, National PostdocFoundation, NSFC Youth Foundation, etc.

  3.  Recommendation of the application for Wen-Tsun Wu assistant professorship forexcellent candidates.

  4. Annual salary at least 300K RMB. Better salary is possible for excellentcandidates. The initial contract is 2 years and renewable depending on theperformance.

Application Materials:

Interested and qualified candidates are invited to send Curriculum Vitae, futureresearch plan, and two letters of reference to

Ms. Lijie Ji(sjtujidreamer@sjtu.edu.cn).