Email: chenbinbin_swu@163.com
到目前为止,以第一作者身份在Anal. Chem., Green Chem., TrAC Trends Anal. Chem. Chem. Commun.等国际期刊发表学术论文11篇,共同一作4篇,影响因子大于5的11篇,SCI论文总引用912次,单篇最高引用241次。
1. Bin-Bin Chen, Xiao-Yuan Wang, Ruo-Can Qian*. Rolling “Wool-Balls”: Rapid Live-Cell Mapping of Membrane Sialic Acids via Poly p-Benzoquinone/Ethylenediamine Nanoclusters. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55: 9681-9684. (IF=5.996)
2. Bin-Bin Chen, Jian Lv, Xiao-Yuan Wang, Ruo-Can Qian*. Probing the Membrane Vibration of Single Living Cells Using Nanopipettes. ChemBioChem, 2020, 21: 650-655. (IF=2.576)
3. Bin-Bin Chen, Jian Lv, Shuai Chang, Xiao-Yuan Wang, Ruo-Can Qian*, Da-Wei Li. ‘‘Hot-Node’’ Controlled Facile Synthesis of 3D Rare Earth Micro-Networks with Symmetry Deviation Induced High Luminescence. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8: 11962-11969. (IF=7.059)