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王珊珊 硕士三年级     进组时间: 2022.09



(1)Preparing macro-mesoporous membrane based on carbon nanotubes supported “rattan-like” amyloid protein nanofibers for high-performance removal of Congo red

(2)Shanshan Wang, Yilin, Yang, Haoqiu Chen, Qin Wang, Jiao Xie, Kaifeng Du *,Preparing high-performance microspheres based on the chitosan-assisted dispersion of reduced graphene oxide in aqueous solution for bilirubin removal, Journal of Chromatography A,2024,1722, 464884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2024.464884

(3)王珊珊#,廖雨昕#(共同一作),乔亮智,杜开峰*. 纤维素微球色谱介质制备、孔结构调控及聚合物改性性[J]. 生物加工过程, 2022,20(02):217-225.   WANG Shanshan,LIAO Yuxin,QIAO Liangzhi,DU Kaifeng.Preparation,pore structure control,and polymer modification of cellulose microsphere chromatography media[J].Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering,2022,20(02):217-225.