当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  恭喜硕士研究生王琴的科研成果《Regulation of macroporous cellulose microspheres via phase separation induced by carbon nanotube doping for enhanced protein adsorption》被中科院一区,川大B级期刊Carbohydrate Polymers接收
恭喜硕士研究生王琴的科研成果《Regulation of macroporous cellulose microspheres via phase separation induced by carbon nanotube doping for enhanced protein adsorption》被中科院一区,川大B级期刊Carbohydrate Polymers接收

Ms. Ref. No.: CARBPOL-D-24-03446R1
Title: Regulation of macroporous cellulose microspheres via phase separation induced by carbon nanotube doping for enhanced protein adsorption
Carbohydrate Polymers

Dear Professor Du,

I am pleased to confirm that your paper "Regulation of macroporous cellulose microspheres via phase separation induced by carbon nanotube doping for enhanced protein adsorption" has been accepted for publication in Carbohydrate Polymers.