当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  恭喜我组二年级硕士研究生王珊珊的文章《Preparating high-performance microspheres based on the chitosan-assisted dispersion of reduced graphene oxide in aqueous solution for bilirubin removal》被中科院二区、川大C级期刊Journal of Chromatography A收录
恭喜我组二年级硕士研究生王珊珊的文章《Preparating high-performance microspheres based on the chitosan-assisted dispersion of reduced graphene oxide in aqueous solution for bilirubin removal》被中科院二区、川大C级期刊Journal of Chromatography A收录

Manuscript number: JCA-24-92R4
Manuscript title: Preparating high-performance microspheres based on the chitosan-assisted dispersion of reduced graphene oxide in aqueous solution for bilirubin removal
Author(s): Shanshan Wang; Yilin Yang; Haoqiu Chen; Qin Wang; Jiao Xie; Kaifeng Du
Submitted to: Journal of Chromatography A

Dear Professor Du,

I am pleased to inform you about the acceptance of the manuscript entitled:

"Preparating high-performance microspheres based on the chitosan-assisted dispersion of reduced graphene oxide in aqueous solution for bilirubin removal"

Your paper will soon be passed to the production department for further handling. Then, you will receive further information regarding page proofs, transfer of copyright, etc.