TenCirChem 的功能包括:
TenCirChem is designed to be:
of int
. An operator pool is simply a list
of tuple
Quantum Mechanics
Hartree-Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT):
Energy and gradient calculations.
LDA, GGA, meta GGA and hybrid functionals.
Flexible initial guess (fragment, symmetry broken) for SCF.
More than 80 standard Gaussian basis sets and 3 pseudopotentials.
Self-defined basis sets and pseudopotentals.
Target state optimization (TSO):
Arbitrary diabtic states.
Accurate valence, core, double, and long-range excited states.
Accurate X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Energy decomposition analysis (EDA):
Ground and excited states.
Generalized Kohn-Sham (GKS) and TSO schemes.
Wave functions are output in mwfn format.
Molecular Mechanics
CHARMM force field:
Accept standard PDB, PSF and CHARMM force field formats.
Energy and gradient calculations.
Gas phase and periodic boundary condition (PBC).
Cutoff and partical mesh Ewald (PME) scheme for electrostatic interactions.
Energy and gradient calculations.
Arbitrary combinations of QM and MM methods.
Projected hybrid orbital (PHO):
Can tread arbitrary number of boundary covalent bonds in an elegant way: no manually adding or removing atoms are needed.
Reasonable electronic structures can be obtained.
In Qbics, PHO is implemented in a black-box way, meaning that it is highly easy to use.
Geometry Optimziation
All QM, MM, and QM/MM methods can be used.
Frozen atoms are supported.
Molecular Dynamics
All QM, MM, and QM/MM methods can be used.
NVE, NVT, and NPT ensembles.
Enthalpy and entropy separation.
Several restraint potentials.
Free energy perturbation (FEP):
Single- and double-topology.
Reaction coordinates.
Charge transfer reactions.
Enhanced sampling:
Default (like bond length, coordination numbers) and self-defined collective variables (CV).
Metadynamics, adaptive biased force (ABF), and extended ABF.