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tleap in amber18 and errors

 In general, your input file to LEaP will begin with several commands to source the relevant leaprc files. For

example the following preamble would allow you to include proteins, DNA, lipids, general components,

water, and atomic ions like Na+ or Cl-, using the current recommended force fields:

source leaprc.protein.ff14SB

source leaprc.DNA.OL15

source leaprc.lipid17

source leaprc.water.tip3p

source leaprc.gaff2

Typical errors in tleap

  • End-groups (OXT and AMT): If one wishes to have the end amino group not charged, then delete the lines in addPdbResMap. Copy file leaprc.ff03 to the local directory;

    cp $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff03 .
  • Prep.in files: For special residues, a prep.in file must be constructed for the atom-types. A pdb file with the residue can be cut out from the pdbfile. The prep file can be constructed by (amber)

    antechamber -i hic.pdb -fi pdb -o hic.in -fo prepi -nc 0 -c bcc -rn HIC -at amber # AMBER force field
    antechamber -i hic.pdb -fi pdb -o hic.in -fo prepi -nc 0 -c bcc -rn HIC -at gaff # GAFF force field
  • Missing parameters: In some cases, neither the regular amber protein force field nor the GAFF force field have parameters. In this case, the parameters must be constructed.

 Force field check by energy calculation

  • It is a good idea to check the resulting energies with the program changeparm


    1. run changeparm
    2. Select prmtop
    3. Press m (mdrest)
    4. Select prmcrd

Energies above 1000 kcal/mol should be checked.

Sample of leap commands

source leaprc.protein.ff14SB
source leaprc.gaff
source leaprc.water.tip3p
loadAmberPrep hpo.in

loadAmberParams o2.dat

loadAmberParams frcmod.ionsff99_tip3p ###parameters for counter ions ###

x=loadpdb 1icf4
bond x.156.SG x.206.SG
solvatecap x TIP3PBOX {0.0 0.0 0.0} 33

addions x Na+/Cl- 0 ###neutralize the system###

saveamberparm x prmtop prmcrd

A sodium counter ion has should have both atom and residue names Na+ (and atom type IP).

To avoid errors like:
+Currently only Sp3-Sp3/Sp3-Sp2/Sp2-Sp2 are supported
+---Tried to superimpose torsions for: *-C1-C6-*
+--- With Sp0 - Sp0
+--- Sp0 probably means a new atom type is involved
+--- which needs to be added via addAtomTypes

Insert in leap.in:

addAtomTypes {
  {"c1" "C" "sp2"} 
  {"c2" "C" "sp2"} }

To avoid promlems like:
Bond: maximum coordination exceeded on .R<CUA 465>.A<CU 1>
-- setting atoms pert=true overrides default limits

Use in leap.in:
set x.465.CU pert true

Sometimes a rectangular box is preferred
The command is then
solvateBox x TIP3Pbox 10

It can then be favourable to rotate the system before, to align the axes of inertia with the coordinate axes.
This can be done inside tleap with the transform command (no, this does not work!):
transform x {
{1 0 0 }
{0 cos q -sin q}
{0 sin q  cos q} }
Where q is the rotation angle (but you need to give the proper numbers)

Do it instead in the pdb file before reading it into tleap, i.e. with changepdb, command tr
with a file like this:
0.866000 0.500000 0.000000 0.00000 -0.500000 0.866000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000

Some useful Leap commands

  • addPath directory  -  add a directory to the path where files are looked for. Can also be done from the command line: tleap -I directory
  • addIons x Na+ 203 Cl- 185 - add 203 Na+ ions and 185 Cl- ions according to electrostatic potential (replacing water molecules, if existing); may give strange results - check! Slow procedure employing a distance-dependent dielectric constant.
  • addIonsRand x Na+ 203 Cl- 185 4 - add counter ions that are more than 4 � apart by replacing random water molecules (need to be added before). Changepdb command fci may remove water molecules inside the protein. You probably need to say also: loadAmberParams frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p or similar to get ion parameters.
  • alias command alias  - make an alias of a command
  • bond atom atom - make a bond between two atoms (atom format example: x.22.SG)
  • deleteBond atom atom - delete a bond
  • desc unit/residue/atom - describe an object
  • loadAmberParams file  - load new parameters
  • loadAmberPrep file   - loads a prep file
  • loadOff file - loads the OFF library within the file named filename.
  • logfile filename - specify the name of a logfile
  • x=loadPdb file - read in a pdb file
  • quit   - quit the program
  • saveAmberParm unit prmtop prmcrd - save the topology and coordinates of an unit
  • saveAmberParmPert unit prmtop prmcrd - save the topology and coordinates of an unit for a perturbation calculation
  • savePdb unit filename - save an object as a pdb file
  • set default/object parameter object - set some parameters
  • solvateCap solute TIP3PBOX position radius - solvate the solute/object in a sphere of water molecules centered at position (an atom or three coordinates, e.g. {0.0 0.0 0.0}) with the radius radius.
  • source file - read in a command (or leaprc)  file. Can also be done directly: tleap -f file