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吴琼(出站博士后) 出站博士后     进组时间: 2018年    离组时间: 2020年



2018年7月至2020年10月,吉林大学材料科学与工程学院,材料物理与化学专业,博士后(合作导师:崔小强 教授);

2013年9月至2018年7月,吉林大学,化学学院,分析化学专业,硕博连读,理学博士(导师:宋大千 教授);






1.Multifunctional Au Modified Ti3C2‑MXene for Photothermal/Enzyme Dynamic/Immune Synergistic Therapy. 2022-10-29, Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 8321-8330(IF=12.262, 一区)

2.Ultrasensitive and selective determination ofcarcinoembryonic antigenusing multifunctional ultrathinamino-functionalized Ti3C2-MXene nanosheets,2020-02-18,Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 3354−3360(IF=8.008,一区)

3.A 2D transition metal carbide MXene-based SPR biosensor for ultrasensitive carcinoembryonic antigen detection,2019-11-01,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 144, 111697.(IF=12.545,一区)

4.Fe3O4@PDA immune probe-based signal amplification in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensing of human cardiac troponin I,2019-05-01,Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces,2019, 177, 105-111.(IF=5.999,二区)

5.Ultrasensitive magnetic field-assisted surface plasmon resonance immunoassay for human cardiac troponin I, 2017-10-15, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 96, 288-293(IF=12.545,一区)

6.Hollow gold nanoparticle-enhanced SPR based sandwich immunoassay for human cardiac troponin I, 2017-07-01, Microchim Acta,2017, 184, 2395-2402 (IF=6.408,二区)

7.Magnetic field-assisted SPR biosensor based on carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide sensing film and Fe3O4-hollow gold nanohybrids probe, 2016-12-15, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 86, 95-101.(IF=12.545, 一区)

8.Gold nanostar-enhanced surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide,2016-03-24,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 913, 137-144.(IF=6.911, 二区)

9.An enhanced SPR immunosensing platform for human IgG based on the use of silver nanocubes and carboxy-functionalized graphene oxide,2016-07-01,Microchim Acta, 2016, 183, 2177-2184.(IF=6.408, 二区)。

10.A highly sensitive SPR biosensor based on a graphene oxide sheet modified with gold bipyramids, and its application to an immunoassay for rabbit IgG,2015-07-01,

Microchim Acta 2015, 182, 1739-1746.(IF=6.408,二区)

11.Highly sensitive and selective surface plasmon resonance biosensor for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein,2022-06-13, Analyst, 2022, 147, 2809



1. Disposable biosensor based on novel ternary Ru-PEI@PCN-333(Al) self-enhanced Electrochemiluminescence system for on-site determination of caspase-3 activity, 2022-03-01, Talanta, 239 (2022) 123083(IF=6.556,二区)

2. Preparation of a disposable electrochemilumine-scence sensor chip based on an MXene-loaded Ruthenium luminescent agent and its application in the detection of carcinoembryonic antigens, 2022-05-03, Analyst, 2022, 147, 1986(IF=5.227,三区)

3. Reversible fluorescent test strip with red fluorescent carbon dots for monitoring water in organic solvents: Visual detection via a smartphone, 2022-08-05, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 276 (2022) 121195(IF=4.831,三区)

4. A novel probe for identifying breast cancer cells based on fluorescence response of the cascade process of biothiol and viscosity. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 375 (2023) 132883.(IF=9.221, 一区)

5.A molecular imaging tool for monitoring carboxylesterase 2 during early diagnosis of liver-related diseases, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 377 (2023) 133122,(IF=9.221, 一区)

6. Exploration of aminopeptidase N as new biomarker for early diagnosis of thyroid cancer.  Biosensors and Bioelectronics 244 (2024) 115808.(IF=12.545,一区)









8.新型生物镁合金抗菌技术研发,河南明镁镁业科技有限公司2020/9-2022/9, 5 万元,结题,主持。


1. 吉林大学中日联谊医院仁心人才-青年层次;

2. 长春市医学会第十二届理事会转化医学专科委员会委员。