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2024年4月9日,香港中文大学胡国华教授与剑桥大学(英国)Tawfique Hasan教授受邀访问

202449日,应阳军亮教授邀请,香港中文大学胡国华教授剑桥大学(英国)Tawfique Hasan教授来我课题组开展线下研讨活动。


Tawfique Hasan教授介绍了可用于纳米结构的印刷油墨的合成及其在传感器中的应用,并探讨穆雷定律、傅立叶变换等计算算法在优化材料结构和提升传感器性能方面的关键作用。Tawfique Hasan教授还将展示基于纳米线和二维材料异质结的超微型光谱仪及其宽广的潜在应用。


Dr Guohua Hu is an Assistant Professor at the Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He joined the Department in 2019. The research focus of his group is solution-phase processing of lowdimensional materials and exploring their broad applications in printed electronics, including thin-film transistors and memristive electronics. Before joining CUHK, he was a postdoctoral research associate at the Cambridge Graphene Centre. He earned his BEng and PhD degrees from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the University of Cambridge in 2013 and 2018, respectively.

Tawfique Hasan is a Professor of NanoEngineering at the Cambridge Graphene Centre, Cambridge University Engineering Department and leads the group. He is also the Deputy Head of Electrical Engineering. Prof Hasan gained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2009. He also has an MEng. in Analog Microelectronics from University of New South Wales, Australia. Hasan got his BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh in 2001. Prof Hasan has held several research positions in the University since his PhD, including a Junior Research Fellowship in King's College, Cambridge, a National Science Foundation China Foreign Young Scientist Research Fellowship and a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship to work on graphene based flexible and printable devices. The latter contributed to the foundation of Cambridge Graphene Limited, which was acquired by Versarian Plc in 2017. He is an Editorial Board Member of Advanced Photonics Nexus and a Fellow of Optica. Prof Hasan is also a Title C Fellow and a Director of Studies in Engineering in Churchill College, Cambridge.