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王雅文 讲师    

        王雅文,康复大学实验师,博士毕业于法国普瓦提埃大学(Université du Poitiers),有机,无机与工业化学专业。硕士毕业于法国勒芒大学(Le Mans Université),精细化学,功能材料及纳米科学专业。研究方向为医用生物材料的研发与组织器官修复方向的系列研究,以第一作者或共同一作发表论文3篇。202410月加入康复大学BMTM团队。


[1] WANG Y, ZHANG X, LIU N, et al. Injectable hybrid nanofibrous spheres made of PLA and nano-hydroxyapatite for cell delivery and osteogenic induction [J]. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2024, 12.IF: 4.3

[2] TANG X, WANG Y, LIU N, et al. Methacrylated Carboxymethyl Chitosan Scaffold Containing Icariin-Loaded Short Fibers for Antibacterial, Hemostasis, and Bone Regeneration [J]. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2024, 10(8): 5181-93.IF: 5.4

[3] WANG Y, GOHARI BAJESTANI Z, LHOSTE J, et al. The Effects of Various Parameters of the Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis on the Specific Surface Area and Catalytic Performance of MgF2 Nanoparticles [J/OL] 2020, 13(16):10.3390/ma13163566IF: 3.1