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闫翠霞 教授&博士    

Email: yancuixia@qq.com



闫翠霞,博士,教授,硕士生导师。2012年加入昆明理工大学,一直从事石墨烯材料相关第一性原理计算研究工作。主持与石墨烯相关的国家自然科学基金项目两项(空位缺陷及Ni/Co/Ti掺杂-石墨烯界面结合影响及其机理的第一性原理研究,4d/5d过渡金属三卤化物Dirac半金属性质第一性原理研究),教育部新教师基金一项(氢吸附原子与空位缺陷修饰石墨烯n-型导电机理及稳定性研究),校人才培养项目一项(一氧化石墨烯半导体材料形成机理及稳定存在的理论研究);成功设计多种石墨烯及类石墨烯结构预测了一系列具有优异储氢性能、光催化性能、压电性能及优异Dirac半金属性能的类石墨烯结构。研究成果在JMCA、JMCC、ASS、NanoscaleCarbon、PRBACS Omega等国际期刊发表包括论文30多篇,授权专利一项,主持编撰学术专著的重要章节。所做计算研究工作与实验研究密切结合,为研究成果向应用转化提供理论支持。





2006.08 - 2009.06 山东大学,原子与分子物理专业,理学博士

2003.08 - 2006.08 山东大学,凝聚态物理专业,理学硕士


2001.07 - 2012.03 济宁学院,物理与信息技术系,讲师

2012.03 - 至今昆明理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授


(1)闫翠霞,国家自然科学基金地区基金,空位缺陷及 Ni/Co/Ti 掺杂对铜-石墨 烯界面结合影响及其机理的第一性原理研究,2016-2019,49.5 万元,主持;  

(2)闫翠霞,国家自然科学基金地区基金 4d/5d 过渡金属三卤化物 Dirac 半金属性 质的第一性原理研究,2021-2024,37 万元,主持;

(3)闫翠霞,教育部新教师基金,氢吸附原子与空位缺陷修饰石墨烯 n-型导电 机理及稳定性研究,2014-2016,4 万元,主持; 

(4)闫翠霞,省级项目(人培),一氧化石墨烯半导体材料形成机理及稳定性存 在的理论研究,2012-2014,5 万元,主持;


[1] Cuixia Yan*,Study of radiation damage in diamond film implanted byB ion,Applied Mechanics and Materials,455(2014)54.

[2] Cuixia Yan*, Qingwei Jiang, Effects of atmospheric species andvacancy defect on electron transfer between diamond (001) surface and adlayer, European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, 59 (2012) 11303.

[3] Cuixia Yan, Ying Dai*, Baibiao Huang, DFT study of Halogen impurity indiamond, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42(2009) 145407.

[4] Cuixia Yan, Ying Dai*, Meng Guo, Baibiao Huang, Donghong Liu,Theoretical characterization of carrier compensation in P-doped diamond, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 3994.

[5] Cuixia Yan, Ying Dai*, Run Long, Hong Jiang, Baibiao Huang, RuiqinZhang, Wen Jun Zhang, Igor Bello, Effect of Excess Hydrogen on the ElectronicProperties of Passivated Diamond, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 70 (2009) 307.

[6] Cuixia Yan, Ying Dai*, Baibiao Huang, Run Long, Meng Guo, Shallow Donorsin Diamond: Be and Mg, Computational Materials Science, 44 (2009)1286.

[7] Cuixia Yan, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Lin Yu, Donghong Liu, Baibiao Huang,Ruiqin Zhang, Wenjun Zhang,Igor Bello, Investigation of Low-Resistivity fromHydrogenated Lightly B-doped Diamond by Ion Implantation,Science and Technology of Advanced Materials,9(2008) 025014.

[8] Tengfei Fan, Cuixia Yan *, et al., The effect of copper substrate’s roughness on graphene growth process via PECVD,Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018) 045604

[9] Hydrogen storage capacity on Li-decorated covalent organic framework-1: A fifirst-principles study, Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 035506.

[10] Two-dimensional Hexagonal Zn3Si2 Monolayer: Dirac Cone Material 2 and Dirac Half-metallic manipulation,Chin. Phys. B Vol. 29, No. 8 (2020) 087103.

[11] The first principle study of the effect of Co dopant and C/Cu vacancy defect on the interfacial bonding of graphene-copper composites, Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 095621

[12] Graphene-like Be3X2 (X = C, Si, Ge, Sn): A new family of two-dimensional topological insulators,Chin. Phys. B Vol. 28, No. 3 (2019) 037101

[13] Half-metallicity in a honeycomb-kagome-lattice Mg3Si2monolayer with carrier doping,Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 075911

[14] Effects of cobalt content on the microstructural and mechanical/electrical properties of graphene reinforced copper matrix composites,Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018) 076511

[15] Corrosion Behavior of Welded Joint of Q690 with CMT Twin,International Journal of Corrosion,1(2018)1. 

[16] 刘  朋,闫翠霞*等,镍含量对铜基石墨烯复合材料力电性能的影响,稀有金属,42(2018)735

[17] 凌自成,闫翠霞*等,球磨时间对石墨烯/铜材料组织和性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程 46(2017)207

[18] 刘  朋,闫翠霞*等,石墨烯含量对铜基石墨烯复合材料力学和电学性能的影响,材料导报 31(2017)29

[19] 闫翠霞*,凌自成等,一种石墨烯增强铜基复合材料的制备方法,2017.10.27,中国,CN105624445 B

[20] 朱恩福,闫翠霞*等,石墨烯储氢性能的研究进展,材料导报 30(2016)47

[21] 石墨烯均匀分散问题研究进展,材料导报,30(2016)39

[22] 石墨烯复合材料界面结合的研究进展,热加工工艺,46(2017)5

[23] 石墨烯增强金属基复合材料制备方法的研究进展,材 料 热 处 理 学 报,40(2019)2

[24] 第一性原理计算在铜合金研究中的应用进展,材 料 热 处 理 学 报,40(2019)1

[25]Hailong Guo , Zilin Ruan, Xiang Ren, Jianchen Lu and Cuixia Yan. The study of self-assembly behavior of phthalocyanine-before (PCB) molecules on Au(111) substrate .Mater. Res. Express 8 (2021) 035005.


Cuixia Yan,Dai Ying*,BaibiaoHuang,Advances in Materials Science Research(Chapter 2 N-type Doping of Diamond Semiconductor ),NOVA Science Publishers, Inc, 10万,2012



[2]闫翠霞; 宋玲玲; 蔡金明; 叶乾旭; 官雨柔,一种二维层状狄拉克材料的仿真设计方法,2022.05.20,中国,CN201810169983.X