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Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research is a scholarly forum for cardiovascular translational research

  • Seeking the broadest audience for emerging technologies, therapies and diagnostics, pre-clinical research, and first-in-man clinical trials
  • Platform for novel cardiovascular science, to showcase important and clinically relevant aspects of the new research, to discuss the impediments that may need to be overcome during the translation to patient care.

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  • Enrique Lara-Pezzi
Journal Impact Factor
2.4 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
2.9 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
17 days
416.1k (2024)

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Journal updates

  • Topical Collections & Special Issues

    Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research publishes the following topical collections:

    Non-coding RNA in cardiovascular diseases: mechanisms, biomarkers, and therapeutic targets

    Cardiovascular Biomarker Translational Research

    Acute heart failure

    What is a topical collection?
    A continuous collection of original research or review articles on a specific topic that falls within the discipline of the journal. Articles included in a topical collection may also be selected for a special issue. All submissions to a topical collection are assessed by a handling Editor and the Editor-in-Chief and undergo peer review in the journal’s peer review system by at least two external experts. Publication in a Topical Collection provides an additional possibility to draw the attention of the audience interested in a specific theme.

    How to submit?
    Submit your article to one of the topical collections by clicking on the Submit manuscript button on the home page. During submission authors can choose to submit their article to a topical collection or a special issue.
    The general submission guidelines can be found here

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  4. Biological Abstracts
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  12. Google Scholar
  13. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  14. Medline
  15. Naver
  16. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  17. Pathway Studio
  18. Portico
  19. ProQuest
  20. Reaxys
  21. SCImago
  22. SCOPUS
  23. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  24. Semantic Scholar
  25. TD Net Discovery Service
  26. Wanfang
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