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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics publishes papers on materials and their applications in modern electronics.

  • A refereed companion to the Journal of Materials Science.
  • Covers the intersection of fundamental science and application-specific work.
  • Explores the growth, preparation, and processing of new materials.
  • Discusses reliability, failure analysis, quality assurance, and characterization in electronics applications.
  • Safa O. Kasap
Journal Impact Factor
2.8 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
2.7 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
8 days
2.3M (2024)

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  1. BFI List
  2. Baidu
  4. CNKI
  6. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  7. Current Contents/Electronics & Telecommunications Collection
  8. Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology
  9. Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences
  10. Dimensions
  11. EBSCO
  12. EI Compendex
  13. Google Scholar
  14. INIS Atomindex
  15. INSPEC
  16. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  17. Naver
  18. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  19. Portico
  20. ProQuest
  21. SCImago
  22. SCOPUS
  23. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  24. Semantic Scholar
  25. TD Net Discovery Service
  26. Wanfang
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